We gathered for church where we gathered for VBS. This church family already felt like family. We were so welcomed and well received by complete strangers. Except for Mike and Ginger where they knew this church family very well. Pastor Randy Mike and Kim enjoyed watching the boys playing soccer before the worship service began. The folks slowly arrived from all different areas of this quaint little community. Some walked several miles to come to church. There was a few who had to cross a river to join us for worship. But however they had to get there they all had a huge and welcoming smile on their faces.
The service was opened by reading Psalm 100:1-5 by my Honduran sister Karen and me. Marlyn opened us with a prayer. We all sang "How Precious is Your Love" and "Because He Lives".
Welcomes came from Pastor Pedro with a huge and warm smile. Offering was collected by two teen agers from the church family. Gene got up and sang "I Am Not Worthy". Jake got up to share about loving one another. Jake shared several scripture references on true love for one another and the love for each other we would want to have from others. We all have the same Heavenly Father as believers so this means we are all brothers and sisters . Therefore we love you and will pray for you as we ask you to pray for us.
Pastor Randy brought the messae from the book of John 9 about the man born blind. Pastor Randy shared as a child he could not see the black board in his classroom. So his mother got his eyes examined and Pastor Randy at the age of eight had to wear glasses and to this day still wears his glasses so he can see clearly all around him. Pastor Randy shared there is a much more deeper sight than our physical sight, this is our spiritual sight. God's Word is our spiritual sight. Pastor Randy started in on the story of the man born blind. As she Jesus was walking along he came across a blind man, a man with a need. This blind man was begging on the side of the road. Jesus saw a man with a need. Jesus saw him for who he was, not a begger, not a man in need but a man of great worth in His eyes. Jesus saw a man God could work through to help him see spiritually and physically. There were many other blindnesses in this bible story. One was that of Jesus' disciples. They saw him differently than who Jesus saw him. The disciples saw the man's sins not a person of worth. Next was the blind man's neighbors who saw him as a beggar. He was at the bottom of their status of people, he was a beggar, a man of no worth. They could not see Jesus had healed him and he was a man of worth. The neighbors could not get beyond his past. The Pharisees, the religious folks got upset because Jesus healed him on the Sabbath, shame on Jesus for working and healing on Sunday! The Pharisees were still living by the law and not the love of Jesus. They could not see Jesus had healed him as a man of worth. The blind man's parents were scared to tell others what happened when Jesus healed their son. They were afraid they would be kicked out of the church. They saw their son as a burden, a threat to their lives. They did not see their son as a man of worth. These people missed the spiritual healing of this man who was of great worth in the eyes of Jesus. They all missed seeing Jesus standing right there in front of them. Please do not miss seeing Jesus today. The blind man became healed physically but most of all spiritually. He got his eye sight back and he found Jesus as his Lord and Savior. We are all called worthy in the eyes of God. He created us and so wants all of us to be called His children. We need to see the need of others as Christians especially to those who do not know Jesus. In Matthew 35 "The Judgement of the Nations" was read by Pastor Randy. We are all worthy in the eyes of God.
At the end of the service we were closed with many little blessings. The children came back to worship to share their bible verses they had learned in Sunday School. Mr. Mike was in charge of the nursery that morning as this little cutie's mommy, Karen led the worship service. This was an amazing day in the house of the Lord. Everyone was truly blessed with the warmth and sincerity of Jesus Christ in this place of worship.

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