The team arrived for a nine oclock worship service to find Wuilmer, his brothers Samuel and Joel working on getting the floor filled and patted down so the concrete can go down in the next few days. They were sweaty hot and working hard but showed up for church right on time. The team made their way down the dirt road path to this beautiful church which was built by three teams from North Carolina. This is the first home we have built since the church was completed. So today's worship service was to be a special one for all of us, especially the Hondurans who were so proud of their new church and their new pastor Siriaco. It was great to be in the house of the Lord.

We all greeted each other with warm hugs and smiles. Folks came from all directions to praise and worship their Lord. The congregation filled up and we had to bring in more chairs with the help of our brothers from North America. We had at least seventy five warm bodies worshiping the Lord on this bright and warm Sunday morning. Sherman and Andi found their seats with the children. The rest of our team scattered out all throughout the church preparing themselves for a time of worship.
Tears filled many eyes as Ishmael made his way down the aisle of the church to be seated for worship. If it could not get any better Pastor Siriaco called the children to the front of the church to sing Jesus Loves Me in Spanish and sign language. Our very own Meida taught this to the children several years ago and one of their own young adults singing help lead the children in singing this to the congregation. Meida was touched by this performance from her many friends out at El Porvenir.
After the church sang the North American Team got up to sing "Victory in Jesus" led by our very own Heather.
Our first timers, Hayley and Maury gave their personal testimonies.
Hayley shared how she since the bond of community the minute she got off the bus on Friday. A community is a place to live or sharing your lives together. It reminded her of her childhood and how her family, friends and church family all throughout her life have shared the love of Jesus to her. These memories have influenced her to who she has become today. This is what she saw these last few days was the love of community by sharing the love of Jesus with one another. She encouraged her new friends to continue to share the love of Jesus with one another especially the children so they can grow up sharing this same love of community with generations to come.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.
Maury thanked these beautiful people for allowing him to come to their community and work beside them. He asked all the children who were 11 years old to stand for him. He shared at the age of 11 I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. But during my life I became broken and dirty. I became a liar and stole from others. I finally realized one day that God love me no matter my sin. Because Jesus will forgive me of my sin. I ran from my sin and ran from my sins. I knew I was on my way to Hell. But I knew and realized God had sent His One and Only Son Jesus Christ for a sinner like me he shared. The Lord saved me and cleansed me white as snow. He shared with the congregation without Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are lost. But with Jesus Christ you can be my brother or sister in Christ. Two different folks with two different testimonies but the same Lord and Savior. All God's people shouted AMEN!!!!!
Pastor Hampton was spot on with his sermon for this day. His majority captive audience was the children and geared his sermon to these sweet faces. They listened intently to him as he shared about Jonah and the Whale. He shared with them about a man who tried to hide from God but God knew exactly where he was at all times. Pastor Hampton shared how we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Especially in the eyes of our Lord. Jonah was not in a good place in his life. You all may be in the place as well. You may be at the bottom of life with thoughts of hopelessness. The Lord gave Jonah a big fish to save his life. Jonah prayed to the Lord in the belly of this big fish. Pastor Hampton asked the children and adults do you pray to God when you are at the bottom so God can help you through these times of hardship or despair. Jonah found salvation in the belly of a fish and you can find it today through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days. Jesus was in the tomb for three days. HE is has RISEN, HE has RISEN INDEED. No one is righteous not even one. But all who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Amen.