Friday, April 21, 2017

Let The Relationships Begin

Many pitched in to help Steve with the cutting of the special blocks.  David and Darrel helped cut as well.  The others lined up the blocks in rows to make the cutting of the blocks easier and quicker.  As this was happening there was those who picked up the chips of block which is used later in the week to fill in the channel blocks.  Every piece of material gets used on these projects.  There is no waste and not anything is thrown away.  We are resourceful with our materials here in Honduras. 

While some were cutting blocks others were being taught the Honduran way to lay the blocks.  Pastor Carlos and Mike were instructing and demonstrating how this process is done here.  The men and women learned quickly how to build a home.  Pastor Dudley brought a lot of new comers this year but they were only new comers for a short time.  They learned how to lay a block and off they went to serve their Lord and help build Wuilmer and Kristine a beautiful home.  A home they will cherish and love for many years to come. Maida assisted Pastor Carlos as Pastor Steve called out to make sure they were doing the process correctly.  Pastor Carlos gingerly went over to their corner and moved the block around a little looked up and smiled and kept on walking.  Pastor Carlos is an amazing teacher a gentle spirit to go along with his gift of construction. 

As I stood back and observed the blocks going down and the walls going up I saw a lot of good stuff appearing. On Pastor Steve and Pastor Hampton's corner of the world, the nephew of Wuilmer, Jonathan was helping them lay their blocks.  There was Sherman who had a little one working closely by his side.   David,Tim, Jeffrey, Maury, Benny, Hayley and Neil were getting the hang of how to lay block and fill the joints with mescal.  Their workmanship was astounding and the after affects was beautiful. They started their morning building some lasting friendships they will treasure forever. The team was not only building a home but taking the time to build relationships which is what Jesus would do.  Heather and Pastor Dudley worked closely with their new friends as their block laying skills improved.
There was mescal being made, blocks being cut, blocks being laid and relationships going up all around us. While all this was taking place down the road breakfast was being prepared by Cristine, her mother in law Putena, Glenda, her sister in law and Sulema her other sister in law.  Everyone was hard at work and this was the way the entire week evolved. The love of Jesus was blossoming all around us this week.  As Pastor Dudley shared that morning during a morning devotional we are here to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Jesus came to serve not to be served.  Throughout this week the hands and feet of Jesus were hard at work serving Him first and then serving our beautiful brothers and sisters of Honduras.

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45

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