These two young men came on board about a week out from the team departing to come to Honduras. There were two team members who came up with family emergencies at the last minute. It was announced in church they needed two people if any one was interested. Well the rest is history, here they stand coming to Honduras for the very first time not knowing how the week would unfold for each of them. Benny on the left in the purple shirt got sick one day and felt best to stay behind and rest. Well the next day Maury got sick as well. So he stayed back to recoup too. So at lunch they were sitting on the porch of the multi purpose building sharing life stories and getting to know each other. I am not sure how all this came to be but one conversation led to another one and Maury asked Benny how long had he been a Christian. Benny shared I have been in many different churches all my life. But Maury was persistent and said how long have you been a believer in Jesus Christ. Benny shared he had never verbally received Jesus Christ. So Maury was able to go through the Roman Road with Benny. Benny accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He shared for the first time in his life he felt what it was like to have true JOY in CHRIST JESUS.
Benny came into the pulperia that afternoon to buy his soda and looked at me and said I have a huge God moment for tonight. I shared I cannot wait to hear what your God moment will be tonight. We ate dinner, cleaned up the supper dishes and went into God moments. I eagerly awaited for Benny to share. Several people shared and not yet Benny. So finally he started sharing from the bottom of his heart how he was our new brother in Christ. Thank you God for your special timing. You God ordained these two gentlemen do be here at this time and place. You ordained their being home sick at the same time so this could happen for Benny. Thank you for Maury's persistence in making sure Benny understood what it took to be a believer in Jesus Christ. Benny shared how blessed he was to be with such a godly group of people who live out their walk with their Lord daily. He has learned so much about his faith by listening each day to others share and live out who Jesus truly is in their lives. What a testimony for all here this week. Benny was blessed by Maury's persistence and the walk of all his other brothers and sisters God placed him with this week.

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