Pastor Dudley with the assistance of our Maida led the home dedication. He read from Psalm 127:2-3 about God is the one who built this home not man. He also shared out of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 how this home will be here for generations to come where his children will be blessed with this home as well as their children. Pastor Dudley asked everyone to gather around the home as Pastor Carlos, Pastor Siriaco and Tim all three prayed over this house which is now a home. One of my God moments this week is when I opened my eyes to wipe the sweat rolling down my face to look up to see Pastor Hampton and our bus driver Moses on their knees praying over this home. Moses had his bible during the prayer walk and the home dedication. God has truly blessed us with our new brother in Christ and bus driver Moses. This was very humbly to witness such servanthood from these two gentlemen. Pastor Hampton is quite the humble servant of Christ. He is quiet but his actions speak volumes who all is around him. We all need to get on our knees praying more often.
Pastor Dudley then presented Wuilmer and Cristine with their family bible. He spoke was again to Wuilmer in a manner where Wuilmer was soaking up every word Pastor Dudley shared about making this house a godly home where he can raise his children knowing Jesus Christ. After the bible team member Sherman presented the family with a house warming gift, a cross. Sherman started this tradition last year on his first trip to Honduras. Sherman is another advocate for Honduras and has been to speak at several associations and churches about his passion for Honduras. Sherman shared with Wuilmer and his family back home we give a house warm gift to family who receives a new home. Today we want to present you with a cross which Wuilmer hung directly over the entrance to his home. Lastly Pastor Dudley presented Cristine to the key to their new home. She in turn handed the key to Wuilmer as he unlock their new home and entered inside.
Their was hugs and praises for one another as they all celebrated Wuilmer and Cristine's new home. Ishmael was brought over by family and he set in a chair and watched another one of his family and friends receive a new hom. After wards the children were found running and playing inside their new home. They had a home with a floor, two doors and two windows. They had a door with a lock on it and they were beyond excited about this gift from God. Thank you to God first as well shared then to the North Americans for building his home along side of him and his family and community. As the week was coming to a close there was several God moments about how beautiful it is to see a family and community come together as this one did. The sense of community and support for everyone was very strong in El Porvenir. God was definitely at work this week with our North American family and our Honduran family. There was more than a house built here this week.

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