The ladies of the team, Heather, Andi and Hayley prepared three days of Vacation Bible School with some amazing children, teenagers and some of the mothers. Meida gathered the children together each day to sing their favorite bible story songs. The first day Andi shared how we should not worry out of Matthew 6. She played a game with them. They gathered in a circle and tossed a soft spongy ball to a friend and this friend would share what they were grateful for in their lives. Some of the answers were a home, some their daily bread, family and school. They then gathered together to do a craft of a picture of a bird which they colored and then taped to a drinking straw. After the craft they did face painting. Hayley spent the entire time face painting each little face. Then they went out side to have time to play.
On the second day Hayley used passage about being the Salt and the Light of the World, Matthew 5:13-16. They added Proverbs 3:6 and Maida read it for the children and had them repeat it. Maida also taught the children "This Little Light of Mine" they did an amazing job singing it with Maida. The children enjoyed making their salvation bracelets. Jovier gave David, a team member is bracelet as they headed in their different directions. They again got to play games outside before going home.
Day three of VBS was Heather who used a book called "The Crowded House" based on Luke 5:18-26, its the story of the lame man and his four friends. Maida did a gr eat job asking them follow up questions about the Bible story. The storybook emphasizes that Jesus did not just heal the man' physical condition but also He forgave him of his sins. The craft for today was an angel necklace. They went outside to play and before the time was up Wuilmer and some other men came down to the church to play soccer and other games with the children. They played Frisbee and blowing bubbles and jump rope. This was a very eventful week for the VBS ladies. Thank you ladies for all your hard work. These sweet ones were forever blessed by your hard work and planning for them.

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