This project is like no other project this team had ever done. It was different in so many different dynamics. There was not a front yard or a yard at all to the home. They only had to put up three walls. They had to build up the floor to prepare to lay the concrete. They had to keep blocks, cutting of the blocks and the gathering of water from the stream was all across the street under some huge and gorgeous mango trees. Ms. Banca neighbor of Amailia allowed the team to set up shop in her nicely groomed front yard. Really folks, would you open up your nicely groomed front yard for a bunch of strangers to come in and take over for five days. The block cutting alone brought so much dust which went inside her home daily. Ms. Banca smiled daily and was blessed to allow us to help her neighbor get a home.
Everyone pitched in to do what needed to get done to get this project completed in five days. Keith got right in there and stating digging out the rocks to prepare for more sand to be brought in to bring the floor up to where it need to be. Blocks were carried across the street to go up a steep incline to the person up at the top to receive. Each block had to be treated this way. At one point they developed an assembly line of passing the blocks up to the foundation.
Team leader, Steve, shared, one evening when Mike told him they were building a home and they only needed to put up three walls, how we are going to knock this out very quickly. Steve humbly shared how God had different plans for them this week. They were all out of their comfort zone on constructing this home this week. They had to do so many things differently and they all paid close attention to Pastor Carlos's words each morning on what their day would look like in lines of the construction of this home. There was many challenges but God led them through with perseverance and endurance until three o'clock on their last day. They worked everyday from eight until four thirty or more. They came in each day unfolding out of the Land Cruzer with a smile on their face and ready for a nice cold soda from the pulperia. We enjoyed our time on the porch sharing about how each day there was many different challenges which they all succeeded to complete with grace.

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