Monday, February 5, 2018

Two Friends Come to Serve

Each morning Joel and his friend Beau met Mike at the bodega to load the vechicle with the necessary tools for the day.  Mike shared with Beau, a new comer to go and help Joel bring out the tool box.  Mike shared it is not too heavy.  NOT,  I told Beau to be aware of Mike and his shenanigans, especially since he was a new team member.  Beau learned very quickly Mike was an okay guy just enjoys life.  So each day these three gentlemen load the truck for the day ahead.  They shared in fellowship and worship right there at the bodega daily.  It was a joy to stand there and listen to their fruitful conversations.  Like team leader Steve said one evening at supper, worship is us wherever we are.  It is not a building but we are the church who need to worship our Lord daily to others as well as for ourselves.  
Thank you Joel for bringing your friend Beau who is now our friend as well.  It was a blessing to serve beside each of gentlemen this week at Mt. Horeb and Tapitoca.  God is so good all the time and all the time God is so good.  You two gentlemen make a good team together while serving here in Honduras.  We love new faces to come on board to help us remember to see everything through the eyes of a new person.  

 Image result for worhsiping our Lord in our work bible hub

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