The team arrived their first day to their project with humble Amailia awaiting them. She greeted them with a huge smile and a grateful heart. She gathered her children so they could meet the North Americans as well. j She introduced Damian, her oldest son, age 20, Carmen her daughter age 17 who works seven days a week cleaning and taking care of a family in Choluteca and her youngest son Lanezo, age 12. Amailia had fallen the day before from getting dizzy. Meida shared with me her blood pressure shot up which I assume came from the excitement of getting her new home this week. She stood there in the circle with tears running down her cheek as Steve, team leader, thanked her for allowing them to come along side her family and provide them with a home. We opened up in prayer as Pastor Carlos prayed the most amazing prayer. Praise God for this team and this week for sweet Amailia and her children. Amailia lost her husband a few years back. I am pretty sure today he would be grateful as well his family has a secure home to live in with a lock and key to keep them safe at night and keep them try because of a secure roof attached to their new home. God is good folks to provide this family a home. Amailia prayed for a home and God provided in His timing.

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