Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Preparing For the Last Day

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The last day, day number five is always so bittersweet for all teams but especially for these guys.  They built so many relationships this week and they had no idea how they help heal a hurting community with their labor of love for this family  Omar and Sam connected the first day and worked closely beside each other throughout the week.  Chandler and Antonio were connected at the hip and it was even more difficult for Anthony as they said there good byes later in the day.  We gathered up in a huge circle, our circle had grown since the first morning to God be the glory for this answered prayer.  Everyone was joyful and appreciative for such an amazing week back in that little corner of heaven here on earth.   But we can never be totally prepared for this day.  It comes and goes so fast but God will always help us remember these special people and this amazing week we spent with them serving our Lord.  Thank you Omar, Waleska, Daxari, Saul, Mangel and Antony for so many life changes experiences we will always treasure in our hearts.

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