After the baptismal we made our way back to the church for the Lord's Supper. Amy, Susan, Penny along with Meida and Joel took the children who did not get baptized out for one last VBS. The ladies of the church were pouring the grape juice which Pastor Jose had gone to purchase right before the baptismal, into their nice glass cups. They had broken up bread and placed the pieces neatly into a nice little basket. So as the service began Pastor Matty shared the importance of this public event. It is similar to the public baptismal where we publicly lay our sins at the cross and partake of the juice and bread as a symbol of Christ's life which is the bread and the juice represents His blood shed for each of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Row by row we each went to the front of the church picked up our bread and juice went back to our seats and waited for further instructions from Pastor Matty. We all took of the Lord's Supper in one accord. Everyone who got baptized and all the North Americans and church members present. After the VBS Pastor Matty asked Pastor Jose could all the adults involved in VBS could come and take of the Lord's Supper.
After the Lord's Supper, the oldest member of the church, Marie, shared a few words of gratitude towards this past week and how grateful to God first, Pastor Jose, the church members who helped and the North American team along with Joel, Sarah and Meida. She shared God did mighty things this week in this community and today was a beautiful celebration in honor of our God. Pastor Jose asked Pastor Matty could their team come and sing one more time for the church. They sang "Amazing Grace" ever so eloquently before the close of the service. Our last day was one of many blessings and a lot of first for this team as well as for Mike and Ginger. This will be a memory we will cling to for a long time. Thank you Pastor Matty, Todd and Susan, Amy, Angie, Bobby, Penny and Zach, along with all the hard work from Pastor Jose's church family and Joel, Sarah and Meida who made this week one God is surely very proud of. All the hard work brought fourteen salvations and I think twelve rededications to Christ. To God be all the glory for a job well done good and faithful servants. AMEN!!!!!
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