Monday, August 6, 2018


Please let me just share as well as working on the home daily these nine ladies went up to the church every afternoon to lead an amazing week of VBS.  Andrea was in charge on the state side of getting all five days put together prior to coming.  She had everything she needed for each day in a huge extra large gallon zip lock bag in a suitcase.  All she had to do was pull it out and off she went.  The day I was visiting Taylor, Courtney, Andrea and Sarah had groups of children gathered around them.  I thought what might these ladies be up to before the structure time got started.  They were face painting the children while they waited for more children to arrive.  It was ever so casually and so very special how it all came to be.  This was my God moment how to watch this activity unfold in front of me.  Beautiful acts of love ladies. Kristine with the assistance of Brittney did the recreation for each day.  There was Sarah who led the crafts and directed them all in Spanish.  Meida got herself a small break when Sarah was leading the crafts. Each day the ladies would arrive with the help of Pastor Neal each and every day.  He felt Tino needed another man along to help out with all these ladies.  Pastor Neal, Brad and Danny one day was involved in one of the recreation activities because the boys were out numbered by the girls.  This was a unified team even at VBS. Of course everyday started out with Meida leading the children in different songs, "Father Abraham" and "Jesus Loves Me" in English, Spanish and sign language.  This was our very first time working with this church family but Meida truly fell right in and led the children as if she had known them all her life.  They were attentive and very respectful to everyone who came to share God's Word at their church.  
Andrea led a coloring page and craft to go along with each Bible Story.  The first day they shared about God and His creation.  The second day was we were met to obey God.  The third day God has a plan for us and it is always good.  The fourth day was we all can trust God with our future.  The fifth day and the most important bible story was God wants to spend eternity with each of us.  I want to thank all of you who helped Andrea prior to coming to Honduras, with cutting, gluing, copying and most of all praying over this week of VBS for these 60 plus children who came daily ready to learn and love on this amazing group of people from Coats Baptist Church.

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