Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Manuel Dos

This week would not be complete without Manuel Dos.  He brought such joy to everyone he came in contact with and if you didn't get to know him this week, it was definitely your loss.  Ron got to experience him come over to the water coolers wanting water for the Hondurans as well as himself.  Instead of taking a drink for himself first he stood there fixing the water cups for each of his Honduran friends.  After they enjoyed their Gatorade Manuel Dos then drank his Gatorade.  He was like this the entire week putting others before himself.  He came to help his friend and brother in Christ Manuel build his home.  He carried bucket after bucket of mescal out to the flat boards for the young people to lay blocks continuously.  He never stopped and he worked hard for his friend.  At lunch each day he was given a meal to eat like the rest of the Hondurans and he would take most of his food home to his mother, his mother who kicked him out of the home two or so years ago.  Praise God she finally agreed to give him a spot of land on the back of her property to build him a very small concrete home where he will have somewhere to lay his head at night and stay dry in the elements.  He came to the medical clinic on the last day and bless Logan she could not understand his slurred words so Meida came over to help Logan better understand what his needs were.  Manuel Dos told Meida he wanted her to go with him to see Dr. Sarah because he was scared.  Our friend Manuel Dos is a nineteen year old who is what the Hondurans call simple and dumb.  But Manuel is anything but these two words, he is humble, joyful with what he has which is pretty much not anything, and is willing to do for others before he does for himself.  This young man is a perfect example of Jesus Christ on this earth.  What a blessing Manuel Dos is to all of us.  We love you Manuel Dos.

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