We gathered one last time with David, Bessy and Rocio "Casa de Mi" to worship with their church family. The church was already filling up when we arrived. There was forty five adults at church today for Sunday School and to hear Pastor Randy bring the message. The children I believe was around fifty five and then us North Americans. It ended up being a full house of praise and worshiping our Lord today in two different languages. It may have been two different languages but there is only one God!!! Amen y amen!!!!
We started worship out singing "How Great Thou Art". Karen, Pastor' Randy's wife was called up to read the scripture in English from Psalm 127:4. The young lady then led us in prayer. As we stood once again to sing "Victory in Jesus". Karen then read Psalm 150 in English as it was also read in Spanish.
Pastor Randy came forward to start sharing from Luke 24:13-35. As we all were turning to our Bibles I look over to see Bessy had her new bible the team had given her at the home dedication the day before. I pray to God she uses this bible daily as she raises Rocio up in this godly home.
Pastor Randy referred to the Contempory song "Open the Eyes to My Heart". We need to desire to see Jesus in all circumstances throughout every day God gives us. Don't you want to see Jesus everyday? Don't you want to be in His most Holy Presence. The Bible story today is about two disciples on the road to Emmaus. These two disciples today will help us learn how to see Jesus in our daily lives. As we know the women went to the grave and it was empty. The scene has calmed down folks going about their business. The disciples are truly unsure of what has just unfolded before them. Their Messiah was gone and who took Him. So as they travel down the road to Emmaus on a journey to do something they ran across whom they thought was a stranger traveling too. It was Jesus. The two disciples did not recognize Jesus. There is several reasons why they did not recognize their Lord and Savior, one they were grieving His death. They were sad and full of sorrow. They were consumed with grief to the point they did not recognize HIM. Does this happen to us we are full of grief from a loss that through it all Jesus is not present. So much stuff gets in our way we do not see Jesus there with us. Pastor Randy shared a story called The Footprint. Where a man was walking on the beach and did not think Jesus was with him because he only saw one set of footprints in the sand. Jesus so graciously told this man when you saw one set of footprints is when I was carrying you all the way. Another point to this scripture the two disciples were on a journey to complete a task. They were totally focused on their journey and not what was going on around them. Just like us we sometimes have a list of things to do and Jesus just does not fit into this list. We forget Jesus is with us. We all need to ask ourselves daily where is Jesus in my day? Where do I see Jesus?
They were so focused they did not see Jesus standing right in front of them. Third point the disciples knew the story in great detail about Jesus' burial and mystery of where He went. But telling Jesus about the details of what had just unfolded they still did not see Jesus standing right in front of them. We can read the Bible all day, know what it says but until we live it out we don't know it. We fail to see Jesus in our midst because we don't look at others as we need to. Do we look at others because of the color of their skin, the kind of clothes they wear may be different from us, how to we view people who are not exactly like us? Now the two disciples saw this stranger(who was Jesus but they did not know it at the time) So as the two came to the end of their journey and was back at home they asked this complete stranger into their homes and they shared their hospitality with this stranger (Jesus). It was not until Jesus broke bread with them did they see and know who this stranger was because the last time they broke bread with Jesus was at the Last Supper. They finally realized it was their Lord and Savior. Then Jesus was gone. So when you are sharing the love of Jesus with others if it is breaking bread, building a home, doing a Women's Conference you will never know when you may meet someone who needs Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In Matt 25 the story of the sheep and goats Jesus shared I did not know you because you did not feed me, you did not give me drink when I was thirsty, you did not clothe me when I needed clothes, when I was sick or in prison did you go and visit me? The king will reply "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me." Matthew 25:40 Friends today we can see Jesus in the simplest of things we do, take a meal to a sick friend, pray over them and especially if they are not believers share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Tell them about the sweetest gift of all Jesus. Pastor Randy shared Jesus is here in the house today amongst us all, are our eyes and hearts open to Him personally in our lives. Do you truly know Jesus as your Lord and Savior..
Do you want this abundant life we can only find in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We cannot be a child of God without receiving His Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Amen y amen.
One of the brothers of the church thanked the North Americans for coming to serve their people with the love of Jesus in their hearts. Pastor Ramon got up to thank them as well for all they do for the people of Honduras. Pastor Ramon shared if we do not see you again we will see you in eternity. What a blessing to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and will one day be with all these amazing people of Honduras.
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