Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Medical Clinic

Each day the medical clinic gathered together to start their day by giving it to our Lord.  As I sat back and observed the beauty of this day unfold I truly realized then what a well greased machine this was unfolding in front of me.  Lynn, a nurse by trade orchestrated this entire medical clinic to the letter.  She had everything everyone needed for their day laid out beautifully in a notebook.  Dr. Sarah immediately went to work with what Lynn had laid out for everyone including Dr. Sarah.  As you can see in these numerous pictures the team had to be flexible in how they did different procedures.  Justin A. did a phenomenal job improvising with what materials they had to take care of each individual patient.  His task a lot of the days was giving breathing treatment to many patients with asthma.  Their ages ranged from three years old to adult age.  The patients would come back daily at different times for their treatments.  This was even organized as when each patient needed to come back so they would not have to sit around and wait for their turn. 

Lynn and Jackie had their work cut out for them all week.  They worked on feet all week.  They cleaned sores on two different ladies feet.  One lady in a wheelchair had already had lost a partial leg to diabetes and her other foot was infected as well.  The terrain here is quiet rough on the feet when they are healthy so this lady had a challenge daily as her daughter took great care of her pushing her to the clinic daily but this lady still had to use this one foot to help push herself along the dirt roads of Cedeno to get to the medical clinic.  This was actually about four blocks from the church they had to travel daily.  Lynn gave her the medical supplies she need to help keep her foot safe and clean until they finally run out.  Thank you Jackie and Lynn for providing some most needed medical care to this lady and how grateful she was for your services rendered to her.  Jackie was a most impressive assistant to Lynn, Jackie shared how she was a want to be nurse and this week she was able to fulfill her dream for five days beside an amazing teacher, Lynn.  Lynn stayed busy keeping up with what meds were leaving the pharmacy and reporting to Dr. Sarah what was getting low and what else they could use in the place of the medicines they were depleting.

Our Sophia was busy filling prescription along side of Justin as well as preparing for what she was going to share on Sunday for the missions report.  Whatever you give Sophia to do she will do her best and this was exhibited in the medical clinic this week. She worked well beside her mother Jackie and what a gift from God this was this week to be able to do this together.  Praise God for Meida and all she did at that door dispersing the meds and answering Justin's questions about the breathing treatment.  Justin would ask Meida what medicines to give each different patient and somehow Meida knew the answer from one day to the next.  Meida wears many hats as she also tried to supervise the children from standing in front of the door while she was explaining what each patient needed to do with their medications.  There was not too much privacy at this medical clinic.  Dr. Sarah did ask the first day to move the patients waiting away from her station so she could have individual private time with each of her patients.  Dr. Sarah as well showed much love and compassion for each of her patients.  I saw her one day just gently place her hand on an elderly lady as she shared with her what she can do to live healthier naturally after her medication ran out.

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