Ray and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Becky have been coming together for many years. They were both waiting patiently for their daughter and granddaughter, Brenna to get old enough to come too. This year they were all blessed with three generations together serving their Lord in Honduras. It was beautiful to see Brenna working beside both her father and her grandmother. Yet it was also very special to see her out engaging with the children and loving them with her sweet sweet spirit. She spoke volumes of wisdom at such a young age when she shared each evening during God moments. She had listened well to her father and grandmother over the years about the culture and how to interact and see these people for who they were and where they were. She shared one of the first evenings how much joy she saw in the Honduran people and the way they loved us strangers in their neighborhood and she never was saw a problem with the language barrier. When she first arrived she claimed she was a bit nervous with all the possibilities of not being able to communicate or help build the home but God came right along beside her she shared and gave her complete peace in everything she attempted and accomplished. Ray stood back and enjoyed watching his daughter serve the Lord. He questioned her on the first night, "What did you give that little girl Brenna who was by your side all day?" Of course my ears perked up and I looked at Brenna knowing we are not a Santa Claus ministry. Brenna looked back at her father a bit puzzled and he looked at her and said, "Brenna you gave this little girl your time and this is all she truly wanted, your time, not anything tangible but your time." Brenna shared with me one evening how proud she was of her father and how he was definitely at home in Honduras and she knew why. It is so hard not to leave a piece of your heart here in Honduras when your heart is full of Jesus. Mrs. Becky shared one evening how proud she was of Brenna and what a joy it was to get to serve our Lord with her in Honduras. God is so good all the time and all the time God is so good.

Life time friendships are hard to come by these days. But Ray and Joey Eddie have been friends since elementary school. There paths got lost for a while but they got reunited and have been friends for over twenty years. It was a joy and a pleasure to see these two godly gentlemen together all week serving our Lord. They would always come up for dinner together as everyone was waiting for them. But I can only imagine they were done in their dorm room chatting away about Jesus and life in general. They were worth waiting for each and every time. Both of them are quiet and have gentle spirits about them. They radiate the love of Jesus in all they do together and separately. In Joey Eddie's devotional one evening he shared from Philippians 2:3-8, Jesus came to serve and not be served. Well this is exactly what these two did the whole week. They both were always willing to help wherever needed. Joey Eddie talked about being humble well folks I do not know more humble gentlemen than these two. Joey Eddie's devotional touched a lot of whom he and Ray are. They are love, humility, humble, a good neighbor and definitely servants. Joey Eddie complimented the entire team the first evening during devotional when he said, "Yes it was very hot, but not one time did any one of us complain." Amen Hallelujah! as Joey Eddie would say.

Miguel Dos has come to Honduras numerous times, sometimes twice a year. But this year he was beyond excited to bring his son, Logan. Logan is so much like his father, in looks and actions. What a beautiful sight to see a father and a son serving their Lord and Savior together especially here in Honduras. Honduras is Miguel Dos' love and now he got to share this inspiring experience with his son. Logan fell right in on the first morning where he shared scripture he had read the evening before with the team before we headed out to the project. He was always entertaining us in the evenings with his gift of guitar. The team enjoyed hearing Christian music off the porch of the North American dorm. He enjoyed working beside his father on the project but he enjoyed engaging into the culture the most. He got to drink a coke out of a bag his first morning on the project. I told him he had more Honduran cultures in his first day than I did the first year. Interestingly in this blog there is not a picture with Logan and the children. Logan enjoyed the children. They enjoyed him as well. Even praying over the first block on the very first day he was holding Gimena's hand comforting her as we prayed over her new home. He got really close with Jose this week. They were always together. Logan was a light in the life of this community as he shared the night of his devotional. We are to go and be the light and this is what Logan did with the children in the community of Cedeno.