Saturday, June 19, 2021

Beautiful Ending

Mrs. Berta, Lizzy and Viola stand very proud fully in front of their new home.  As you can see Mrs. Berta doesn't smile much but she was humbled and grateful as she shared with each of  us.  My prayer this week is Mrs. Berta saw Jesus at work on every block and every bucket of mescal.  This week was a week where Jesus' Light shined brightly.  I can only imagine Lizzy and her other girl cousins playing around her new home instead of Lizzy having to go somewhere else to play.  But because I'm not sure how long they have not been in their adobe home.   But now Lizzy is very proud of her new home because of the day of dedication her best friends which were her cousins came down to see her new home and they all three giggled just like a bunch of six years might do.  This warmed my heart the excitement in this child's life.  She will have a home where she will be dry when it rains and a safe from the outside world if need be.  Viola will grow up and be able to take care of Lizzy and her grandmother in her new home and work to keep it beautiful as it was this very day.  

The dedication began with me, Ginger, giving God all the praise and honor for this opportunity and able to participant in the building of this home.  Ginger thanked each worker especially Joni and Yobani who spent so much time on the fourth cornerstone and how Jesus is our Chief Cornerstone.  Ginger looked at Mrs. Berta and said, "I do not know about your relationship with Jesus Christ but this home is only a physical gift and the greatest gift of all is found in this book, the Bible."  The Word of God is our firm foundation and the only foundation which will keep us safe and secure with all the elements of this world we live in.  Jesus will protect us, love us and always be there for us no matter what.  So I dedicate this day in the name of Jesus Christ Mrs. Berta and Mrs. Berta said "amen y amen"

We simply love when Yobani is a part of the dedication ceremony.  Today is special because Mrs. Berta is part of Yobani's family.  She is an aunt to Yobani.  It was only approriate he be a part of this special day.  He looked at Mrs. Berta with the key in his hands and said, "My God bless you and keep you safe in the days ahead with this little piece of metal shaped into a key."  He walked away and looked at me for approval and all I could do was simply smile and say "Gracias Jesus".  Our Yobani has come such a long ways from four years ago.  We are blessed to have him on the construction sites with the teams or when it is only the Hondurans building the home.  

There on the end is our little angel who worked hard beside us all week.  As we gathered to pray each person placed their hands on the wall of the home.  Grateful for Meida this week, Mike was able to pray over the home and give God of course all the praise and honor and thanking the North American family in New York who helped make this happened.  After Mike prayed Pastor Carlos said a few words to Mrs. Berta as we brought this week to a close.  And all God's people said, "Amen y amen."


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