Saturday, June 19, 2021

Four Corner Problelm

As a normal week starts with Pastor Carlos and men placing the four corners in place they came across an  opportunity which became a time of using some ingenuity on the part of Joni and Yobani.   I sat and watched how they studied that one corner and how were they going to place the corner as it is needed to square up the new home.  Joni climbs up on the existing house and starts removing lumber, etc to get that corner placed. This little opportunity did not discourage Joni nor Yobani in preparing for the first block.  They probably worked about thirty plus minutes on this opportunity to get all the obstacles out of the way.  Isn't this so true with our own lives.  We have so many obstacles that separates from the love of our Cornerstone in Jesus Christ.  We work diligently daily to keep these obstacles out of our lives in order to have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Being a follower of Jesus Christ was never said to be easy but the end results are eternally beautiful.  So like Joi and Yobani we all need to remove everything that hinders us from our daily lives basting in the Presence of Christ.


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