Thursday, June 17, 2021

Bittersweet Day

One evening after devotional Ray asked for volunteers for the dedication service.  Well I was taken back by all three of our young people volunteering immediately.  They spent the next two evenings preparing what scripture and words they were going to share on their last day in Cedeno.  This was all three of their first time coming to Honduras and offer to help with a home dedication speaks volumes for each one of them.  Logan started out by thanking the family for allowing them to come and work beside them all week to make Elias' house into a home where God will serve out of daily to the community of Cedeno.  Where his daughters will grow up and know they have a safe and secure place to live with their daddy.  At this time Logan lifted up a word of prayer over the dedication and especially for Elias, Daniella and Gimena. Elias instead of saying words to the team as most family does he prayed to God our Father for this home and making his dream come true on this day. We moved to Hannah where she read out of Numbers 6:24-26, "The Lord bless you and keep you".  She shared how this home will be a place where Jesus will radiate through these doors especially from such a godly servant as Elisa.  Hannah teared up with humbleness as she continue talking about how blessed these girls were to have a father who loves the Lord and will teach them the love of Jesus and with God's word, Hannah said, "Is how you will teach them the truth of Jesus Christ."  Hannah presented Elias with a family bible and he humbly said thank you.  Hannah at this time prayed as well over the life of Elias and his girls.

We then moved on to Brenna who was going to present the family with the key.  She read out of Ephesians 2:8-10  and shared how this key is a representation of security for your family.  But our true security relies in Jesus Christ.  He is our great provider in all details of our life.  He will never fail us as we go through life as long as we rely on Him for every need of our lives.  Elias then had a few words once Brenna handed him the key.  He shared for many years of his life this day had been a dream of his.  Now today he shared how his dream had become a reality for him.  He again thanked the team prior to unlocking his home for the first time.  Danelle and Gimena were so very excited as they ran through their new home screaming words of joy.  We then celebrated with our bowl of shrimp delight for lack of a better name.  Mike and I left to run many errands before heading back to the ministry campus and as we entered the campus we looked up on the rock and there was our family enjoying their first sunset for the week.  This just warmed my heart to see Lassie right up there with them enjoying herself as well.  What a beautiful ending to a bittersweet day.


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