Monday, May 30, 2016

A Precious Home for a Precious Family

Each day Orlin, Fanny, David and Anna Lee watched the walls go up on their home.  Each day they were grateful for God's provision from HIM first and then from the North American team.  On the last morning Anna Lee chattered and pointed to her new home as Pastor Carlos and Mike were on top putting the roof on.  We could not tell if she was excited or worried about them being up so high on her home.  David worked all week helping his Daddy work on their new home.  David stood there watching the floor going in as he eagerly awaits for all this construction to end so he can go to his own home and sleep in his own bed or hammock.  Fanny was in awe of this blessing from God.  She got all dressed up on the last day as she prepared lunch for the workers and waited for the dedication of her home.  This family was truly a blessing for all who they met this week.  Thank you God for such a special week in Las Prados.

I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.
Psalm 86:12

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