Monday, May 30, 2016

Worship Service

The team got up early on Sunday morning for their one hour and fifteen minute ride to this precious community called Las Prados.  The worship started at 9:30 while people continue to arrive to worship the Lord.  Orlin led the music as he played the electric piano.  A gentlemen of the church read Psalm 133 then Ginger read it in English.  Pastor Martin sang and led the church in singing "Because He Lives and other contemporarily hymns. 
The team got up and did a special called "More Precious Than Silver and Gold.
Team leader, Ron, led in the sermon for the morning worship.  His topic was on "God's Mercy and What It Means".  He shared how he was studying the book of Revelations this year and how difficult it could be until you truly understand what it is sharing and saying to us.  It talks of God's mercy.  We can be rewarded for loving God and showing HIS mercy to others.  In order to do this we have to have a personal relationship with his Son, Jesus Christ.  This relationship with Jesus Christ allows us to spend eternity with Jesus and our Heavenly Father.  When we receive God's mercy it is up to us to pass it on to others.  Ron shared several stories from the bible about God showing mercy to others.  Out of Matthew 18 where the servant owed the King money and the servant could not pay it back. The King told the servant it is okay and showed the servant mercy.  Well the servant let someone borrow money and asked for it back.  This person could not pay it back and the servant had this person thrown into jail.  Well the king got wind of this and threw the servant into jail.
Another story about the woman who was the adulterous.  The Pharisees shared with Jesus about this woman being a sinner.  Jesus said to them, He who has not sinned pass the first stone,  All the Pharisees walked away as Jesus remained there with the adulterous woman who went away sharing what Jesus had done for her.
God will forgive us if we would only ask for His forgiveness.  Mercy is necessary for our salvation.  Thank you  God for your mercy and forgiveness of our sins.  Are we like the servant and quick to judge and not show mercy.  Be like Jesus and show God's forgiving mercy to whoever God places in  your path today.

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