Friday, September 20, 2019


This team spent a lot of time sharing around the dinner table, puzzle table and just around the table.  The older gentlemen of this team really reached out to our young men on this team with some very precious times of listening and sharing from each others hearts.  This is how you make disciples.  Simply take the time to listen and learn from one other through the scriptures of our Lord and Savior.  Mike and I just stood back and watched how God worked through this team this week in so many ways.  We enjoy it when a team comes down and they spend quality time together and even separately in quiet times before their Lord on Mount Horeb.  There was a lot of this spiritual food being produced this week.  This was more than building a home this week, this was a week of building relationships and true godly relationships which will last a very long time.  What a blessing from God this week unfolded into.

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