Friday, September 20, 2019

Where Do I Put My Two Doors?

Eufemia for the first time in her life today got to decide where she would like her doors and windows to go in her new home.  Now our friend put one of her doors in the most unusual spot but once again it is her home.  We had Meida ask her about the back door being so high up once she got older and was not getting around as well.  She looked at Meida and said, "Then I will go out the front door."  You have to say that was quiet an impressive answer for this young lady of 70.  So Pastor Carlos respectfully put those doors where Eufemia had requested with a smile on his face.  I don't think he agreed with this either but it is not our home,  it is Eufemia's home.  Meida as always knew exactly how to ask and present the question in a way where Eufemia did not feel like someone was telling her what she should have done.  We are so grateful for our Meida who always shows the love of Jesus to everyone she meets. 

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