Friday, October 6, 2017

Gathering the Family

Each time we gathered to pray or start our day with Mercedes and family it took a while for her to gather up the troops.  There were seven children plus several of her own children she had to find and bring together.  It was so sweet to see how she wanted them all by her side to pray over the day ahead or over the first block of her new home.  She came up the path several times that week with a child on her hip to make sure they were all present and accounted for.

We gathered around the first block as Pastor Randy along side of Meida brought the prayer.  He prayed about Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone of this home and how this home came exhibit the love of Christ as the four walls go up around them.  Each team member and family touched one another in unity as Pastor Randy prayed an amazing prayer of dedication to the beginning of one amazing and special week.  Mercedes has been waiting many years for this moment to come.  She was grateful with her tears of joy as Pastor Randy closed out his prayer.  The first block was now blessed in order for the rest of the blocks to follow behind it to make this house a beautiful home in the name of Jesus.

Image result for chief cornerstone builders

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