Thursday, April 25, 2019

Preparing the First Block

Jarod jumped in and helped Luis and Hector miss the mescal for the first batch for the first block.  It takes all this hard work prior to the first block to get that corner ready to lay the first of 800 blocks.  They have to sift the sand and then carry it over to the pile to begin.  It takes a certain amount of sand and two bags of cement per batch and at different times.  Both bags of cement do not go down at the same time.  There is a certain amount of water that goes into the mixture and Jarod shared how these boys knew exactly what they were doing.  This team was very blessed to have these two young men, Hector and Luis helping their friend and family get a home.  They worked each day for a nice hot lunch from the kitchen of Ms. Martha.  Neighbors helping neighbors down here is surely what we can take back home with us.  If I am not mistaken Mark, team leader, shared his church family came through for him in a crunch recently.  Grateful to see others helping others and doing it simply because they love them.  What a gift from God folks.  Receiving a blessing is one of the hardest things as North Americans to do, but when you simply don't just let someone give to you and receive it you are stealing their joy and blessing.  These boys worked very hard this week for a hot meal each day but what a blessing it was for Ms. Martha and for these young men to serve and receive a thank you from Ms. Martha.  Ms. Martha was blessing all of us this week as you will read later in this blog.  She was one busy lady and did it with abundant joy.  

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