Wednesday, April 10, 2019


For three days these North Americans enjoyed VBS on the front porch of a lady's home. Each week the community of believers gather in this lady's home to worship.  So VBS was daily on her porch.  The VBS leaders were Donna, Chris, Gloria, Richard and Tom.  Richard and Tom later got promoted to the project because of very little Honduran helpers.  They started out each day with a Bible Story told by a team member, yes it was told with the open Bible in the lap of the one sharing the story.  Afterwards they colored a sheet and made a craft relating to the story.  They did a couple of physical activities.  One two three red light was played a little differently from North American way but still all had a lots of fun.  The children eagerly awaited for Chris to get up and do his magic tricks with a Bible base background.  The children could not get enough of Chris' magic tricks.  Chris was like a child magnet.  They all loved him so much.  Donna came up with a great idea for coloring their sheets.  They were only allowed three crayons to color their picture.  They were encouraged to be creative with their crayons.  Well they were quiet creative, they exchanged crayons with one another and shared their crayons. So instead of only three colors on the coloring sheets they had numerous colors and their pictures were absolutely gorgeous. They all took their time and did their very best.  Thank you all for doing an amazing job bringing the message of Jesus Christ to the children.

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