Our first work day was worship service with the community of Santa Marta which was not a work day but a huge God moment for everyone. Pastor Miguel greeted everyone with the a gracious smile and life which exhibits the love of Christ. His daughter shared how the children are waiting each Sunday for the doors to open for Sunday School. She shared how they dearly love these children in Santa Marta.
Team members shared also how they felt genuinely welcomed by the hugs the children welcomed each one of them with. One of the new team members, Tracey, shared how she had not ever seen anything like this in her whole life. These children showed the team, complete strangers such a huge welcoming. It was a humbling experience had by all.
The church service commenced with a lot of beautiful music. Some of the music the North Americans recognized the tune. Butch shared how he recognized "Washed in the Blood" and how they sang with such joy in their voices and in their hearts. They were excited about being in church. It was not just another Sunday in church. They were there to Praise the Lord and that they did. The team got up to do a special in English, "I'll Fly Away" accompanied by Joe on the guitar.
Tracy got up to share her personal testimony and how she was of the world for many years. One day she took ill and decided on that day she could not longer do it by herself. She decided to give her life to Christ and let HIM carry her burdens. Now she enjoys serving her Lord in her church by working with the youth. Tracey enjoys her daily time in God's word.
Steve, team leader, brought the message out of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Steve shared with the congregation one of the reasons he keeps coming back to Honduras is the true genuine love that exhibited through the Honduran folks. You all show the true love of Jesus Christ in your actions. And as all believers we are all waiting on for the eternal destination , Heaven, with God where there will be no more sorrow, no more sadness, no fear, no more hunger and all of this will be forever. As long as we live here will endure difficulties, We live in a world of sin, no matter our nationality. There are things which are stronger than we are in this world but is much more powerful than the world we live in. There are giants in our lives that are stronger than us and exalt us which will come between us and God. The giants could be drugs, gangs, an illness or just a repeating sin. Today I would like to talk to you about how to deal with these giants. Spiritual warfare is something we must face and face daily.

Steve shared John 15:18-20 during his sermon. There will be times of giants and giants to fight. But we are not to go to our churches and hide and keep the world out. That is not God's plan for us. We are to demolish the strong holds God calls us to conquer the strong holds, the giants of this world through his power of the Holy Spirit. When we talk about fighting it is not a physical fight. It could be a mental, spiritual but not physical. Our mistakes when we go to battle we try to do with our own power and not rely on God. Paul shares the weapons we need to use is not of the flesh. God says we need to daily put on the Armor of God. God has always given us the weapons we just need to know them and use them in our lives daily.
The Belt is to hold the armor in place. Our belt is God's truth.
The Breastplate is to protect bodily organs, the heart for instance. Our heart is accessible to the world. God's righteousness is our Breastplate.
The Shield protects from arrows and swords. God's shield is our faith in Him.
The Helmet protects our head from injury. Our salvation is our protection from eternal injury.
The Sword is the Word of God which protects us against giants.
Prayer is our open communication to God.
Our eternal destination is Heaven.
Ephesians 6:10-18
Thank you Steve for sharing from God's word today and giving us tools to survive in this world of sin. God's word has the best tools for our daily lives.