Thursday, November 5, 2015

Worship Service

Due to the rain the team parked the bus at the local school.  They traveled down a muddy dirt road to come to a field they cut through to arrive at the church.  We saw Juan coming from his home with the church chairs and others started bringing chairs from their home as well.  Mike and the men from the team, Franz, John, Grey and Wilmar, gentleman from the community were  looking at the progression of the inside of the structure of what was becoming a church.  God is so good to allow all of this to take place for this sweet community we call Porvenir, Las Cabasas, Choluteca, Honduras.

People came from every path in this community to worship the Lord once again under the trees next to the church structure.  Knowing really soon they would be inside the complete structure, God's house.  The North American team got up to sing "Amen"  as their Honduran brothers and sisters clapped along with them.  Maida got her little church choir up to sing several of their favorite songs.  The children in this community like children in many others love and respect Maida.  A couple of the church members got up to lead in singing as well.  We have notice more involvement in this new adventure for this community.  They get up and share their testimonies and give praises to the Lord for what is taking place.

Mike asked Joel, one of the church members to open with prayer before the sermon. Mike's sermon came out of Matthew 13:3-9 about what kind of soil are we.  After Mike finished he open the floor for other testimonies.  Wuilmer got up to apologize for not being able to come on Monday to work because he will be working nights, but he will do his best to be their when he can.  Penny got up and shared her testimony for the first time ever.  She felt God's tugging at her to share her life and struggles she has experienced and how HE saw her through them all.  At the end of the service Mike asked Juan Carlos, nineteen year old of the community, to close in prayer.  Mike asked both Joel and Juan Carlos prior to the service if they would be willing to pray. The younger of the two Juan Carlos, said yes immediately with confidence in his heavenly Father.  This was a beautiful day in the house of the Lord.

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