We were excited to see back with us Danny, Jimmy and Anita who three years ago helped build the building they will sleep in this week, the North American Dorm. They were very humbled by the beauty of Mt. Horeb. The last time they were here there was only the first building which is now the gift shop and Pulperia and the beginning of the multi purpose building. They were excited to be back and brought their son, Jay with them this year. Jay had been gone four years. We were so excited to have our friends back together with us again. They also brought five new friends, Pastor Neal, Brad, Branden, Josh, and Eddie. The three new ones rode on the Kia with Tino, our driver. They were most impressed with the driving techniques of the roads of Honduras. We were very blessed to make the road trip in four hours going back to Mt. Horeb. God is good. The roads are getting better somewhat. This team was very blessed we hit all the stops at great times.
We gathered up at the multipurpose for our first meal together with our Honduran brothers and sisters. We introduced everyone and prayed up the meal of beans, rice, plantains and tortillas.
The blessing was when all the men lined up at the kitchen sink to wash the supper dishes and got them done so we could have devotions. We gathered on the porch for the orientation and devotion. Danny, team leader did the first evening devotion entitled "Thanksgiving". Danny shared how he use to think of Thanksgiving as a time to gather to eat a huge meal. Now as a believer in Jesus Christ he says thanksgiving is about his salvation in Jesus and how grateful he is for his salvation. He asked us a question, "Do you know Jesus 100%?" "Do you know Jesus with your heart or just your head?" Danny shared how grateful he was to God for never giving up on him before he became saved. What a blessing to be called a child of God and to live your life as HE is your SAVIOR. We should never take our salvation for granted but should always be sharing it with others and let others know about the greatest gift of all, Jesus. Danny shared three very profound scriptures during his devotion,
Proverbs, 21, Psalm 100 and Philippians 4:13 which are grounds for being in God's will and to be wise in His Word.