Omar, Dunio, Shelly and Isai were another godly example of family. They worked along beside their new friends building their "starter" home as Pastor Neal put it one evening. Omar was all over making sure every joint was smooth. Josh shared one evening how he came ever so gently and moved his block to perfection without saying a word. Omar wanted his new home built just right. Pastor Carlos was sharing with Dunio on the third day where the hammock hooks would be going for them as well. She would stand back in awe of those blocks going up and forming her new home. We did not see much of Shelly and when she was there she was very quiet. Some shared how she was maybe overwhelmed at what was going on around her. She is getting her first real home where she can call it her home. After school each day she will be able to go to her home. Isai was simply precious in every way period. He was so excited about his new home as he watched daily those walls going up. How amazing to think about a new home for the first time, not knowing four months ago you would be getting a new home. Their paperwork for this house was about two years old. Do you think they had given up hope or maybe they still prayed God would provide them a new home one day? God laid on our hearts back in June to go visit this community and new pastor of this community Pastor Juan Jose. We showed up one morning with Pastor Carlos to a very quiet and shy couple who did not know that day we would tell them they were going to receive a home. This is the favorite part of being here other than seeing the lost come to Christ. Mike and I assess the situation, check out the paper work and see if they can pay for the foundation. We look at each other and make the correct gestures if yes or no. Mike always lets me tell them they are receiving their home. This was a very special time on that dirt path which actually carries a lot of travelers by foot of course. It is always amazing and beautiful how God ordains each project to perfection. We always feel blessed when we go on the first day and the North Americans and Hondurans blend together in one with Christ and work to completion what God has called us to do, SERVE HIM.

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