Friday, August 25, 2017

Building A Home and Relationships

Some of the team members followed Mike and some followed Pastor Carlos to learn how to lay the blocks.  Some it had been a while and they wanted a refresher course.  It did not take long for these young men to learn how to lay 800 block Honduran style.  They have done an amazing job this first morning working hard in the name of Jesus.  Mike and I shared how every time one of them prayed they pray they will do the Lord's will for that day.  They want God to get all the praise, honor and glory.  They worked as unto the Lord not man.  They gave God their all and their best this week.  We might have brought five new men and three old timers who had not been here in several years down here but they picked right up and moved forward with every inch of their being.  They sweated, might of gotten too hot, they were anxious to keep working after a ten minute lunch break when everyone else (Hondurans) were taking an hour for lunch and realized when team leader, Danny said we are on Honduran time, relax and enjoy the moment.  This is hard for us as North Americans to do because we are task driven.  But these awesome guys figured it out chilled but when the one hour lunch break bell was sounded it was over they took off back to their posts.  They wanted so desperately to help this family get their home and this is just what they did.  On the second day they enjoyed a nice plate of seafood.  So they started liking the idea of a one hour lunch break.  They like the Honduran way of doing things especially around lunch time.  God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Now Pastor Neal was on a different mission.  He found himself working with our new staff member Tino, sifting sand for the mortar.  He asked Maida to come and be there for him as he got to know Tino and all about his family.  Pastor Neal inquired of who was Christian and who was not Christian.  I  shared all our staff at the job site are Christian, praise God.  Pastor Neal sifted and shared stories with Tino for a couple of hours or more.  After I thought about this, this was my God moment that day.  Tino was new to us and also the team, Pastor Neal took time to go over where Tino was which was away from the project site on the road and shared fellowship with him.  I pretty sure Pastor Neal does not know how special this was for Tino and for the ministry.  Thank you Pastor Neal for going that extra mile on the first hour of the first day. 

Image result for john 13:35

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