Thursday, August 10, 2017

Hydration Specialists

The team had two hydration specialists for the first couple of days.  Debby and Flo, the lady of the house and future mommy were making sure everyone was getting enough water.  Actually the mescal mixers were getting double care the first two days.  Debby was going around every forty five minutes with either water or Gatorade and Flo brought them out a big pitcher of water with a huge block of ice in it.  Later on the first day I saw Dale out giving out water as well.
But on day three there was huge problem with the two hydration specialists.  They neither one showed up for their job duties.  Well Debby and her daughter Sarah also came to do a medical clinic so they were excused from their assigned duties.  Flo, the very pregnant wife of Nelson went into to labor and delivered a beautiful little girl named Angelica on that Monday morning.  So the team suffered tremendously without their two ladies their doing their job.  Pastor Paul shared everyone was dropping like flies because they were dehydrated.  Just kidding no one dropped too far any ways.  But our hydration specialists were definitely missed on day three of the home construction.

but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
John 4:14

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