Allyson, our daughter came for a visit into the mix team's time with us. She came in prepared to do a devotional the first evening upon arrival. Allyson shared out of Philippians 2:1-11. She shared how we should be humble with humility because of what Christ did for us. We are to empty ourselves, die to self and after working the first day at the police check point project constructing bathrooms she realized this is what this team was doing emptying themselves and serving others. We all should become humble servants of God and become nothing so he can mold and make us who He wants us to be. Allyson knew most of the team her first evening with us and became one of the mini team very quickly. They all welcomed her into their family as they sat around the first evening sharing God moments about their day. One of the God moments kind of went along with Allyson's devotional this evening. Rodd shared how he emptied himself under the trees to share God's Word. He felt led to share the gospel along with Pastor Carlos and Pastor Pedro. Rodd emptied himself so God could use him to share the gospel during their lunch break. We never know when we empty ourselves for the Kingdom Work who may be touched by our words through the power of the Holy Spirit. We have a staff member who works with us often who is not a Christian. Who shared how he does not need Jesus. Rodd shared how when Pastor Carlos and Pastor Pedro emptied themselves in order for this gentleman to hear God's Word one more time. Our prayer for him and many others is they have heard it and now they need to decide where they want to spend eternity. Thank you Allyson for sharing God's Word upon your arrival to Honduras. Thank you for preparing ahead so you could come on board ready to serve wherever you were needed. We are so glad you came to Honduras to be a part of our week.

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