As the week unfolded we shared in God's Word each evening. We started out first night in the dining hall but the rest of our time together we took it to the porch and we all used flash lights.
Betty Lynn shared about Kindness through loving others as Jesus would love them. She sees after coming numerous times to Honduras the simplicity of how these people show kindness and love for one another. There was several ways Betty Lynn shared Jesus' love for others during his life here on this earthly place. He had with an evil tax collector named Zacchaeus, Jesus drank water at the well with a lady who had many men in her life and he loved Peter even after Peter denied Jesus three times. Praise God for His agape love for each of His children. If you are reading this today and are not sure you are a child of God please find someone you can talk to and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and show this loved to others as Jesus did and as all Christians should do. We can only show kindness and love to others truly show this through the power of the Holy Spirit which dwells within us through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Find out what true love and kindness really is, because it is an awesome feeling.
Rodd shared the Armor Of God out of Ephesians. He kept asking the questions what is the belt of truth, the Word of God, what is the breastplate of righteousness, the Word, where does faith come from the Word, and what is the helmet of Salvation, the Word only found through Jesus Christ our Lord, and what is the Sword of the Spirit, the WORD. So obviously if we are not in God's Word daily we do not know what righteousness, faith, truth, salvation and the Spirit even is all about. What a blessing God provides us all we need to stand firm against the forces of evil out there all around us on a daily basis. Rodd shared how we all as believers can get beat down by Satan. We have to know HIS WORD and apply it daily to our lives. Folks as Christians we cannot do this alone we have to put on the full Armor of God daily and stand firm in the Word. God can equip us even we only allow HIM into our lives.
We were blessed by Brooks a young man who just finished his first year of college and wants to go into law enforcement one day. He read out of Acts 9 the entire chapter on Saul's conversion on the Damascus Road. After reading he shared how Saul who was the worst persecutors of Christians of his time was chosen by Jesus to lead the lost to Christ. While walking on the Damascus Road Saul encountered Jesus Christ. For three days he was blind. Jesus told him to go to the home of Judas and there would know be a man named Anansi who will know what to do for him. But when Jesus told Anansi what he wanted him to do, Annals said Jesus this man Saul has persecuted many Christians and now you want to be a leader for all of us. Jesus said, "Yes, go this man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."
Brooks shared God can use anyone to share the gospel, even the worst of worst. God can perform miracles in our lives if we only let him and use us to be the light just like Saul who later became Paul saw the light, the vision of Jesus Christ and went out and shared the love of Jesus to everyone who would listen.
We worshiped in church on Sunday with Pastor Carlos who in turn shared about how we have to know God's Word first before our hearts can feel and do it. Head knowledge first then our hearts if they are open to receive HIS WORD will in turn share the love of Jesus Christ in our words and actions as well. Our God is so big and how HE brought all of what this team shared along with Pastor Carlos under the same umbrella. We need to love, learn, light up the world and live out a Christian life with the full Armor of God each and every day.

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