When all this started coming together for Mike and how he had his sewer man coming down to help him, Mr. Rodd. Well this not only made Mike happy but Pastor Carlos was escastic when he found out Mr. Rodd was coming to work with him for a week. Pastor Carlos knew he was in good hands with these two by his side. But these two also can get in mischief together too. So we all had to be aware of their every move working or not working. Also I shared with Brooks learn a lot from these two but be selective what you learn. All joking aside Mike was so joyful this week with a very special friend God placed in his life four years ago. Who would of thought God made two Mikes on this earth but he did. These two work so well together and know what the other is thinking before they speak. They do not get together a lot but when they do they pick right up where they left off the last go around, as Mr. Rodd would say, "Shut your mouth," when he gets excited about something amazing which is about to take place, like a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich which he ate two of on Sunday night for dinner. Thank you God for putting Mr. Rodd and Pastor Carlos in our lives. we are forever blessed.

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