As Rodd shared the other evening, same Spirit, same God. Jesus is our Cornerstone and is never changing. HE is always the same. He builds up the foundation of our lives with HIS example for us. So as I watched the cornerstones going up on this structure knowing this would be what holds this structure in place, making it solid and firm there was a different take on this one. The Hondurans who know exactly what they are doing and are the true experts got all the corners completed and realized something was not adding up correctly. This foundation had a porch on the front which did not need to be a part of the base foundation. I could see Pastor Carlos, Pastor Pedro and Alexis scratching their heads trying to see what they needed to do differently. Every project is different and every person is different as well. God has a plan for all HIS children and we have to be willing to let God build our foundation around the only Cornerstone which never changes Jesus Christ. The gentlemen changed out the existing cornerstone and replaced it where it needed to go. No problem as we always say here in Honduras. It is not eternal.

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