Our first morning of devotions was held on the front porch of the North American Dorm. Harrison led us in a regiment of exercises and shared how important to be loose and limber so we can all be safe as we go about each day. We even got to include Pastor Carlos in our exercises. Funny thing Pastor Carlos bent right on down without a hitch. He is one limber man for 56 years of age and he does not work out or jog. He just simply works very hard each and every day with North Americans building homes. I was impressed with how well Pastor Carlos kept up with the North American. We tell folks you don't need to go to a gym just come and work here in Honduras and you will get in shape very quickly.
Like I said earlier there is eight teachers on this team and so the amazing part about the second and third evening devotionals is they were prepared very similar. Lynda and Katie both read a story book to us.
Lynda's story was the child's version of "The Prayer Of Jabez" out of 1 Chronicle 4:10. Lynda shared one of Jabez's request was to acquire more territory and not for wealth but to be able to bless others with his provisions. We need to give God more of us so He can be glorified. Lynda felt the delay in the airport may have given her husband, Charles to share the gospel with the young man sitting next to him on the flight from Atlanta to Tegus. We are to go to the ends of the earth out Acts 1:8 and share the good news of Jesus Christ. God will give us the words we need to get out of our comfort zone to share the good news. We all came with different gifts 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 lets use the gifts God has given us this week. Let's not be bench warmers but boundary busters.
Katie also read a story to us called "Different Kind of Kindness". Katie did an activity with us to see which item stayed a float and which item went to the bottom. The large marshmallow is to the ends of the earth, the small marshmallow was our Jerusalem and the sprinkles was our Judea. It could be large acts of kindness or small acts of kindness, but the important thing as Christians we show some type of kindness to others. Our acts of kindness does not stop here we carry it back home with us and serve others with acts of kindness.
Charles shared a short devotion the morning time where it was short but potent, show interest to others Philippians 2:4. We need to have the attitude of Jesus.
That following evening we were blessed with another school teacher, Sonya. Sonya's devotional was on "Trust". She did a skit where she took Shawn and twirled him around five times to the point he was dizzy. While Harrison and Lynda were there to catch him. Shawn trusted his friends to catch. She also read two quotes from to hymns, "I Will Trust in the Lord" and "Through it All". She had faith to come to Honduras because she went through a lot just to get her passport. God is good.
Zan did another short devotional put potent on Friday morning on Success Principles by Max Lucado. She focused on number five, we all have special gifts. We have all brought our special gifts here to Honduras to serve our Lord.
We got blessed with another amazing school teacher who has been coming to Honduras for many years, My friend Carol shared "Builders of the Wall". Her message came out of Nehemiah 3 where they were rebuilding the wall of Jericho. Those people came from everywhere to rebuild the wall. They were all commended for doing their best. Not one activity was better than the other. Then Carol gave us all a piece to a puzzle. So we put the puzzle together but there was one piece missing and it was the picture of Jesus. Without Jesus we can not build a home actually without Jesus we cannot do anything well at all. Jesus is our piece of the puzzle we need daily in our lives to fulfill His Kingdom work. In Luke 7:11-14 Jesus raises the widow's son. Jesus saw a need and He met it, Jesus heart went out to the person in need and Jesus touched this person to heal them. Jesus need our body here on this earth to be His hands and feet!!!!
William gave an amazing example of trust and faith by telling a story of a family who gave up their mini van to a family in need but in return God blessed them for trusting HIM to provide their needs. We need to step outside our comfort zone and let God use us to bless others so in turn we will be blessed.
Holly not a teacher she said but she was willing to share on obedience and blessings. We had to write on a sheet a paper where we saw obedience this week and then in another column write the blessings we found. Well everyone agreed there were more blessings than obedience. She referenced 1 Samuel 15 and 2 Chronicles 15:7. Our best rewards are the eternal rewards not our earthly rewards. Amen.
Kaylee did the morning devotional where she referenced Psalm 108:1. What are we grateful and thankful for today?
Tyler ended it with an amazing way to study God's Word on Sunday evening, Letico I think is how you spell it. We read Luke 10 three different ways with him asking different questions, what does it mean, how did you feel and what did you learn. It was a very unique way to study God's Word.
As you can see we studied God's word many different ways this week and everyone was special in there own way. It is awesome when we allow God to use us and our gifts to share the gospel with our fellow believers as well with others. Thank you all for a job well done.
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