Mike came by where they had set up blocks to set the rebar on to make the cages for the horizontal columns. He added two more blocks on each stack to help support Cristobal and the policeman who was helping him. Pastor Carlos was sitting making the ties to go around each square Meida was making over to their right. Then Betty Lynn came back around to help with the cages. She observed Cristobal and started making the squares into the rebar with the wires Pastor Carlos was cutting up in his little corner. All this was going on around and under the shade tree. While some blocks and joints were being put up and filled in on the project.
Along comes Rodd wanting to learn to do what Meida was doing, making the squares to go over the rebar. Meida now teaches Rodd how this is done. So Meida came and sit down to chat with me while Rodd worked hard on making a perfect square. Well he was doing a really great job until Meida and I started talking about him and he was being too nosey and was not paying attention to his squares and he actually messed up two of them. One to the point of no return.j But the very last one he messed up I said "Rodd we may need this one and if they do not have enough it will be mine and your fault so please get this metal into a perfect square." He laughed and said well then "Quit talking about me and to me so I can focus." We laughed so hard that Yobina looked down at us and smiled as if knew exactly what was happening. So I got quiet and Rodd completed is new job duty. He did not get promoted to square maker like Meida did though. You have to be able to multi task Rodd :)
Mean while the perfect squares were going up on the rebar by everyone who could help. Mike helped a lot by lifting up the blocks to spare some folks back. Betty Lynn found a new trade tying off the squares around the rebar. Betty Lynn hung right in there beside Pastor Carlos, Cristobal and the police officer who was volunteering his time for his bathroom facility. There was so much activity going on to get these horizontal columns to completion for Monday so then they can be poured and help the structure of this building stand more secure. Many jobs well done friends. Thank you so much. Every job is so important when we are serving the Lord.

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