Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Johnny Rededicate His Life to Christ

Each day at lunch Pastor Carlos shared a devotional which actually turned into an amazing sermon.  But the day he allowed our bus driver and handy man Moses to share was when Johnny turned his life around and gave his life to Christ.  Moses shared out of Romans 8:1, Romans 3:23, Luke 14, 2 Corinthians 5:10, John 14:6 and Revelations 3:20.  He shared how going to church, going on mission trips, doing good things for others, praying in public and many other examples do not get you into Heaven.  Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will get you eternal life.  All Jesus wants is a relationship with us.  How much time do you spend with the man who gave his life for you?  How often do you sit still and listen to his quiet sweet voice?  He loves us so much HE gave HIS LIFE for us.  Why can't we give our whole being to him?  What is keeping you from being a child of God?  Can you honestly say today you have this personal relationship with Jesus Christ?  You know where you are going when you die?  I challenge you today if you are reading this go and read all the scriptures above and answer the question "Where are you going when you die?" 
So at the end of the devotion Johnny did just this.  He gave his life back to Christ.  This is why we build homes in Honduras if only one comes to Jesus our job was made complete.  We are not here to just to build homes but to bring the lost to Christ.  All God's people shout AMEN....

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Revelations 3:20

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