Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mr. Mike's Block Team

While the corners and mortar was being taken care of Mr. Mike asked for help with getting the blocks in rows of seven blocks per row.  It was like a swarm of bees, these ladies got to work and brought him all the blocks he needed. As he took a break from the first round to drink a cup of coffee they were getting him ready for round two.  He honestly could not keep up with these ladies and gentlemen who did what Mr. Mike asked.  Mr. Mike said, "Wait a minute please, I got to catch my breathe."  So the started knocking the notches out of the blocks while waiting on Mr. Mike to come back over to his block station.  These young people and adults were working Mr. Mike hard. 

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,
Ephesians 6:7

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