Gorge, Pastor Darwin's brother welcomed everyone to worship today. The church filled quickly as people came from all over the community. David's friends found him quickly and sat up in his lap. We sang hymns for about fifteen minutes or more. There was one song where they had to join arms and sway back and forth. Ginger was asked to read the scripture out of Matthew 28:16-20 as the scripture reading. It was an amazing beginning to a beautiful worship service.

The group sang a special of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" with Pastor Dudley and David singing the verses as the rest of the team sang the chorus. The team brought along three testimonies, first one being Dana, who shared out of Matthew 24, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind and then love your neighbor." Dana shared how we as a team are here today to share the love of Jesus with each of you as we have already seen you share the love of Jesus with each of us. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ if we believe. The message is very simple believe and be loved by our amazing Father in Heaven so we can love HIM and love others too.
Andie came up next and shared this is her third trip to Honduras and this is definitely her second home. She shared how she was amazed by your strength physically and spiritually. She read from Romans 15:7. Thank the church family for accepting her team so beautifully. Jesus Christ is the bridegroom and we are the bride. Thank you again for showing the love of Jesus to each of us.
Pastor Dudley shared from John 13:12-17 about Jesus' last days. Let's think about Jesus leaving the earth, telling His disciples to be servants. That is why we are here this week to be servants of God. We should all love just as Jesus loved us.
Then we did a children's activinty which included the adults. Pastor Hampton got paired up with an elderly lady in the church and they succeeded with their language barrier and got the activity completed together. David also was paired up with an elderly gentleman and David handled the elderly man very gently as they did the activity together. After this activity the children were dismissed to go to their one Sunday School Classroom. There is forty plus children in this church. So in a couple of days they will be able to have the other Sunday School Classroom back as Pastor Darwin moves in to his new home. God is good.

New team member Don was asked to bring the message this Sunday morning. He shared our lives as Christians in comparison to a pencil. The lead is the Holy Spirit, the band around the pencil is God, and the eraser is Jesus. The pencil is only as good as the person using it. He shared how valuable we are in the eyes of God. We are priceless to God. We were bought at a price, Jesus, God's only Son dying on the cross for our sins. As Don talked to Pastor Darwin this week, Don shared, Pastor Darwin goes out door to door visiting the families in his community. As Pastor Darwin we should go out and share the greatest gift of all Jesus Christ to our lost world. After Don completed his scenario of the pencil and the Trinty the children came forward to share what they had learned in Sunday School. They recited the bible verse of the day. After the children shared we prayed and was dismissed.