Thursday, June 20, 2019


What a beautiful three days attending VBS in El Liminal.  Mrs. Becky led the Bible story each day as she told the children a story from the Bible about Jesus' life on this earth,  The Good Samaritan and David and Goliath.  Mrs. Becky has the gift of drawing you right into the Bible story with her.  She makes the stories come alive right before your very eyes.  On the last day she pulled John in on her Bible story of David and Goliath.  John played out Goliath as Mrs. Becky was David.  This was so beyond amazing as these two brought the Bible story right off the pages of the Bible.  One day the children made crosses to go along with the life of Jesus.  They colored a picture of David and Goliath and Theresa jumped on board and put her artistic talent and gifts to work as she pulled the teenage girl aside to do Art Writing using their very own names.  Those girls were so excited to be able to learn how to do this.  On the last day Theresa had them on the floor of the church coloring rocks she had collected around the job site.  What creative folks Catalyst brought down here to serve these beautiful children.  So while crafts and arts was going on the inside, Danielle and Tino led the recreation end of VBS.  Tino tried to handle crowd control to the best of his ability.  He did great with the little girls but those little boys or big boys I must say were quiet the challenge.  Finally Meida came out to check on Tino and he said Meida I am tired take over and finish these boys out please.  Media got right out there and whipped those boys into shape and finished out their VBS with a positive note of completion with lots of happy and joyful children. Thank you Catalyst Church for loving these children in such a special way.

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