As this week came to an end Ray, Mike and I shared how we need to make this dedication a special one especially for Wilmer which we all agreed should include Pastor Carlos. Pastor Carlos has been a strong instrument in the life of Wilmer. He has discipled Wilmer over the last three years. So we planned out the dedication according to what we all thought God would want for this family. Ray thanked the family for allowing his team in being apart of them receiving their home. He thanked them for their generous hospitality throughout the week. At this time we asked Moses could he sing "Because He Lives". As I stood watching everyone, Grandpa Cruz knew the words to this song and was singing with Moses. This was encouraging to the team. Grandpa Cruz had heard this song somewhere before. Praise God. At this time we turned it over to Pastor Carlos as he was to bring the message and present the family with their bible.

We decided to not let Meida translate this for the North Americans so Pastor Carlos can do what he does best bring the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a humbling way. What a gift this man has in sharing the gospel. He shared with them how this is such a beautiful book he was holding. This book is not a book which is put up on a shelf and gather dust but this book, God's Holy Word should be our book of instructions for our daily lives. If it is only a beautiful book sitting on a shelf it will be not good to any of you. He also shared how this home is beautiful as well. But this home is not their permanent home and do they know where they will be spending their eternity after this life. He then shared about the narrow gate and the wide road. Which one of these are you traveling down. What is your heart condition today? Pastor Carlos was quiet blunt with Wilmer's family in a gingerly fashion. Only he could present it the way he did. He challenged them we are not promised tomorrow where will you spend eternity. Later that evening we were discussing this and how profound of a message. Someone shared now they know about true salvation comes only from Jesus Christ and they are accountable for their final decision in life. How will you spend eternity?
At this time we turned it over to Wilmer. Ray thought it best if Wilmer presented his grandfather with the key. Before Wilmer turned the keys over to his grandfather he wanted to say thank you to everyone for their help in making this possible. He also shared a very special thought which sounds so much like our Wilmer, continue building homes for others in need and we are so grateful for allowing this to happen for my family today. At that time Wilmer presented his grandfather with the key. We gathered around the house laying hands on the home as Mike closed out the dedication in prayer in the name of Jesus. All standing around realized then the government did not build this home but God did. Wilmer shared how there was a rumor going through the community that their government was building his family a home. Well praise God they saw who built this home this week. Thank you God for such an amazing week in Palenque.
"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.
Isaiah 1:18
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
John 3:18
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 3:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Pastor Carlos shared these scriptures throughout his sermon during the dedication of the home. What a blessing to hear this and know if you are a child of God you are secured and free from the sins of this world. Let go whatever is binding you and give your life totally to Jesus Christ today if you are reading this and do not know this Jesus who is your greatest gift of all.