Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Welcome Back First Baptist Church Jacksonville

Team leader Ray returns for his third year leading another amazing team from First Baptist Church Jacksonville.  Thank you Ray for preparing your team in advance what is expected of them while serving their Lord here in Honduras.  They all came prepared to serve the Lord with their entire being.  They hit the ground running.  Ray had prepared them for numerous job duties and they all were ready to do what it took to serve here in Honduras.  Did I say all these folks were first timers to Honduras.  But you would never know it by their grateful and cheerful hearts.  We want to welcome Kim, Meredith, Christina, Janet, Jim and Kenny who Ray truly did not know personally except for maybe one or two before coming to Honduras.  But by the completion of this blog they will have become one big happy family in the name of Jesus.

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household,
Ephesians 2:19

Our Journey to Pelinque

This awesome group traveled an hour and a half to arrive at this little piece of Heaven called Palenque, Choluteca, Honduras.  For those of you who have been to Honduras and been to El Carrizo keep going straight another forty minutes or so.  But his nice long ride brought them all to a life changing experience.  They had to ride in the Land Cruder and the KIA each day.  They all did it with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts because this is what God had called each one to do this week.  When teams sign up each year we do not know where God will place them.  God always knows where he wants to put folks, Mike and Ginger need to be obedient to His sweet tender voice as He leads them to where each team goes.  This team was where God wanted them this week.  Thank you God for sending us on a journey that would become an amazing blessing from YOU.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5

Arrival to the Most Amazing Family

The team was welcomed with hand shakes from complete strangers.  As the week progressed the hand shakes turned into daily hugs.  Let me introduce the prideful homeowners, Wilmer, who works at Mt. Horeb, his grandfather who raised him, Cruz, his Aunt Estella and her son Gorge.  Wilmer has been putting back his pay each week for about six months in order to pay for the foundation for his grandfather's home.  A foundation here cost around $400.00.  Wilmer makes around $75.00 a week. So he was able to put some back weekly and still keep some to live off on.  His family does not have a steady income except for Cruz working in his corn to provide food for the family.  So Wilmer's income has helped his family get a home where maybe otherwise would not happen.  Wilmer is an outstanding Christian young man who loves the Lord and his family.  He is very faithful to his grandfather, aunt and cousin.  They are blessed to have such an amazing young man as part of this family.

We gathered around in a huge circle to greet each other and introduce each other.  Pastor Carlos introduced all the Honduran help that has come along to help as Wilmer introduced his family. Wilmer had an uncle who helped them all week, our intern Tyler, "Taylor" was there to help each day as well.  Manuel took a day without pay to come help his long time friend.  We had two youth from a church family we work with sometimes who volunteered their time for the week as servants of Christ.  Their pastor ask them if they wanted to help and they said yes.  The pastor does this to help keep them focused on Kingdom work and not the world stuff.  God placed all the right folks there from the first day until completion to help Wilmer's family get a home.  What a blessing from God and how HE can orchestrate HIS Kingdom work with so many different folks from different walks of life and how beautifully everything comes together.

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12

Mr. Mike's Many Helpers

As the cornerstones were going up Mike was working on getting the numerous blocks cut for the week.  Several of the team members, Christina, Mereditth, Jim, Janet and Kim were right there helping Mike line up the blocks.  Along came intern Tyler,"Taylor" to help as needed. Kim was so precious when she offered to knock out the nubs for Mike when he needed it done.  I told Kim when she heard the block saw start up she will know to go knock out those cement nubs for Mike.  Later in the morning there was some special orders Mike had to cut, so Kim went rushing back there but did not see anything that needed to be knock out.  I apologized and told her how awesome she was to be so in tune to her special job duties.  Mike was cutting a special order block but Kim heard the block saw crank up and went back there to no prevail to find out she was not needed at this particular time.  This is how the entire team was this week ready to serve.

Mike was blessed with a bunch of willing spirits.  He helped him get one of his job duties completed quickly.  Block after block after block got lined up exactly how Mike needed it

Setting the Cornerstone

Each home we build has four corners to hold it together.  We have one Cornerstone and that is Jesus Christ.  If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and He died for your sins then you have Jesus as your Cornerstone.

built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
Ephesians 2:20

Jesus is "'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.'
Acts 4:11

Do you know this Cornerstone with your mind or heart today?  We talked a lot this week about heart condition and without Jesus Christ as our Chief Cornerstone in our lives daily we have not got a solid foundation.  The world cannot give you a solid foundation in life only Jesus Christ.  So I pray today if you are reading this and you do not have a personal relationship with the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus, let today be a new beginning for you.  Feel Jesus with your heart and not your head. 

Two Honduran Volunteers for Jesus

The team was blessed by Elmer and Pedro Junior this week.  Pastor Pedro wants his young people to be involved in serving others in their community and surrounding communities.  So this is the second time they have helped us with a project.  The team leader, Ray, shared how blessed they were to have these two young men who worked diligently all week mixing the mescal for the home of Wilmer.  The team quickly grabbed shovels and sifted sand, mixed mescal and whatever these two young men needed to make their job easier.  They did this all day every day for four days.  But on the last day Wilmer invited them to come back for the home dedication which I thought was most thoughtful of Wilmer.  Wilmer also appreciated every bucket of mescal they turned over for his home.   The North American team saw Jesus truly at work in their Honduran brothers.  Kim during her devotional the second night read out of Philippians 3:7-11 and then asked the question "What can we do to be more like Jesus?"  Some answered be in his Word to learn who HE truly is.  I think they saw Jesus working right beside them this week in Palenque through their Honduran brothers.  Kim shared she is a new creation in Christ and if we are all creations in Christ we need to act like we are.  We need to discover our weaknesses and rely totally on God.  Once again time in HIS Word and time in prayer with HIM to be like HIM.  We have to have the personal relationship with Jesus to be like HIM in our daily walk.

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Living Water

Team member Kenny was very observant of his surroundings.  He watched as Aunt Stella was pulling the water out of a very deep well with a small pail.  She would in turn take this over for the two gentlemen to mix the mescal.  Kenny graciously asked could he do this for her.  Aunt Stella was also cooking breakfast, snack and lunch for the Hondurans all day.  So Kenny proceeds to pull the water from the well.  This was a tedious and time consuming job but Kenny stayed with it until they got all the water they needed. Throughout the week Kenny found himself dipping the water from the well to help continue the process of mixing mescal.  Everyone had important jobs to do.  It took so many jobs just to get to where they could pray over the first block.  Thank you Kenny for being part of this process of drawing the living water in order to be able to place the most important block of all, the first one.

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Physcial Water

We need physical water as well as the living water of Jesus Christ.  Team member Janet made sure everyone was hydrated daily with a fresh cup of water or Gatorade.  She did this with a joyful heart and a smile on her face.  There is so many jobs to make this house become a home.  This job is the most important one of all.  Because if we are not hydrated then we are not any good to anyone.  Thank you God for showing Janet the need to provide the physical water in order to spread the Living Water to whoever passes by or is working along side of us.  There was a lot of folks building this home or cooking the meals who does not know about the Living Water, Jesus Christ. So thank you Janet for first providing the workers with the physical water so hopefully they saw the Living Water, Jesus all around them. 

but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
John 4:14

Ready to Pray

After cutting blocks, mixing mescal, bringing water from the well, preparing the cornerstones and so many other small details we are now ready to present this house unto our Lord.  Mike prayed for this foundation and Jesus Christ as our Chief Cornerstone.  This house will become a home where others will hopefully find the love of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Mike thanked God for Wilmer and his dedication to his family to help make this dream become a reality.  Mike presented the week to the Lord and thanked HIM for all the many blessings to make this moment occur.  As Wilmer, Grandpa Cruz, Aunt Stella and Gorge hands laid on that block I prayed for Jesus to become their Lord and Savior through the building of this home.  Let Jesus be their Chief Cornerstone.  Who have you prayed for today who you know is in need of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?  I pray for all those out there who need Jesus to be their Chief Cornerstone.

pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,
Ephesians 1:18

Block 101 with Mr. Mike

Ray brought all new folks with him this week.  So Mike pulled them near him to teach them how to lay the block Honduran style.  As I was walking around I saw Kenny with Moses working along beside him.  I asked Kenny did he get promoted to the next level.  He looked at me and simply smiled a yes ma'am.   The team caught on quickly and worked hard their first day on the project.  It was obvious they were there to serve their Lord in whatever capacity He saw for them.  They all agreed they were definitely out of their comfort zone but enjoyed every minute of it.  What a blessing as they helped all week watch the four walls going higher and higher where it was beginning to look like a home.  What a great accomplishment team for all first timers.  But we know who gets all the glory, yeah that is right our Lord and Savior.  Without Him providing us with the energy and the will power to work each day it would not have happened.  This team persevered hard this week to accomplishment what God had for them to do build relationships and then build Wilmer a home. Team leader Ray shared in the first night his devotional and he read from Colossians 3:23 to encourage his team to give it their all in the name of Jesus.  This is what they did.  They worked hard for Jesus.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Colossians 3:23

Honduran Siesta

This was the beginning of some cultural experiences.  Aunt Stella worked very hard in her kitchen preparing meals.  On the first morning around nine thirty she came out with some tamales which I must say was quiet tasty.  Later she came out with some corn on the cob.  Well a lot of our new friends dived right in and enjoyed themselves some corn on the cob.  But then as I looked in her open air kitchen she had a pot of lizard cooking in a huge pot.  This is a delicacy for the Hondurans and a meal they look so forward to having which is not very often.  Mike and I could not stay for lunch because of the many errands we had to go and run before the team got back to the camp.  Well all my Honduran friends were saying "Lo Siento" which means sorry for you.  This is one of our favorite Honduran dishes.  They cooked it and put it over a sauce and serve it with rice and tortillas.  Tyler, our intern, was grateful for his lunch. He shared he had been wanting ever since he started coming to Honduras.  God meets our needs in His timing.  Tyler was grateful God met this need or should I say want.   Buen provecho amigos which means enjoy your meal friends.

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Welcome Jim and Janet

We want to welcome our first time guests to Honduras Jim and Janet. Janet has prayed for many years to go on an international mission trip.  God opened the door for her and Jim said she was not going without him to come to Honduras.  She and Jim shared how overwhelming this experience has been and rewarding all at the same time.  They gave their all in serving the Lord.  Jim and Janet worked side by side about all week.  This is how I was so blessed with so many great photos of the two of them.  They complemented each other in many ways.  Jim watched after her and she cared for Jim.  They were a lovely couple who loves their Lord.  There was not anything they did not try to help with at any given time.  Even when Aunt Bee tried to stop them.
Thank you two for coming to Honduras and getting out of your comfort zone and letting God lead you where He wanted you to go this week.  We serve a mighty and powerful God who these two folks let HIM use them in many ways this week.  To God be the glory.

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

A Long Journey

Yes this was a daily journey down tracheas bumpy roads but once they arrived they came upon the most amazing group of people God could ask for.  Wilmer's family welcomed them with love and compassion from the beginning.  Each day as they arrived from their almost two hour ride they gathered up in prayer asking for God's blessing on what lie ahead.  It was well work the ride when they got blessed daily with good food, fellowship and of course those beautiful children which I will share about later in the blog.  So with all saying the ride in the Land Cruiser and Kia was a small sacrifice for what Jesus did for us.  Jesus gave His life on the Cross, a brutal death, so we all rode down this kind of sorta road to a little piece of Heaven here on this side of Heaven.  God blessed this team in so many ways this week by the end of the week they were joking about their nice long journey and had given the Land Cruiser a nickname, "Dumpty Bumpy I think was its new name.  Well done friends.

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Everyone Loves Lassie

Yet another team as come along and fell in love with our Lassie girl.  She greets everyone daily with a wagging tail and a happy smile.  Her friend Oso and she played each morning for a small entertainment at no cost.  She can never get enough of her Daddy, Mike.  She will drop anyone for his love and attention.  Thank you God for sending along this little girl to bring joy and happiness to all she meets.

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Spiritual Food

As I shared about Ray and Kim's devotional earlier in the week and how amazing these were, I need to share how our young people on the team stepped up to the plate and shared in God's word. 
Kenny shared about we, himself included we should be consistent with our walk with the Lord.  Kenny shared like our grades in school we need to be consistent with our walk with the Lord.  Our teachers at school encourage to do our best, teach us what we need to know and we need to listen and take heed of their instructions.  This is the same with our walk with the Lord, He gives us His Word for our instructions and we need to find ourselves in His Word daily learning how to live our lives for Him in a consistent manner. God knows what is best for our lives and we need to have the faith to trust Him with our lives.  The stronger our faith is the stronger the walk with HIM will be in our daily lives. If we are in a state of confusion go to HIM and be still.  Listen to HIS dear sweet voice as HE whispers to us what we need to hear..  God brought us to Honduras and now what are we going to do with what we are learning here.  We need to keep walking with Jesus as he continues to show us HIS WAY.
We were blessed with our intern, Tyler, sharing one evening in devotions as well.  Tyler shared his testimony of how God brought him to Honduras the first time.  How he fell in love with the people and their culture.  How when he came for the third time with his church family he asked God what do you want me to do with this?  I want to do more in Honduras God.  Where do you want me to go with this thought in my heart as well as my head.  Last year when his church came for the third time by the end of the week I shared with Mike what enthusiasm, passion and definitely works like a Honduran this young man demonstrated. We asked Tyler last year would he pray about being an intern this summer for NCBM in Honduras.  Well as you can see by the above words, he said yes and we have been forever blessed by his commitment and such a godly example for all he meets.
We can always learn from our young people if we would only listen and observe from their words and actions. 

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There was not a local church in this area close enough for us to go to so we made our on backyard bible club, via VBS.  First of all there was not anywhere for them to sit behind the home.  They went right on this side of the sugar cane field to set up for VBS.  The children helped bring boards and blocks to make sits for everyone.  The first day they started with forty little cherubs as they acted out the many plagues of Pharoah.  Meredith was Pharoah as the children were the different plagues.  Meredith had an opportunity to hear a little girl shared "I love Jesus" .  Praise God this one little girl knew who Jesus was.  The next day Ray played Goliath as the children acted out being David as they did a relay 7 push ups, 7 circles and then they threw the Frisbee at Goliath, instead of rocks. 

Each day after the skit they got a chance to color a picture relating to their story.  Each day their numbers would increase by twenty by the third day there was eighty five plus children learning about Jesus.  The ladies, Kim, Christina, Meredith and Janet were in awe of how respectful the children were each and every day.  They did not know our translator Meida at all but showed her the most respect.  Kim brought a craft for each day and realized going into the first day the conditions of where they had VBS would not warrant a craft. They were flexible and had fun doing exactly what they did learning about Jesus through skits and coloring pages.  Oh yea do not forget singing with Meida each day as they gathered around the sugar cane field.

On the last day more of the team joined the VBS because of the roof going up.  Kenny and Ray participated in Daniel and the Lions Den.  Ray was the flaming fire and Kenny was the angel who protected Daniel.  Ray shared his words in Spanish about flee from the fire.  What an amazing time everyone had saving Daniel from the Lions Den of fire.
Thank you Kim for putting all this together and making learning about Jesus in a sugar cane field so much fun.  What precious memories these children will have for a very long time.  How blessed you all were to be a part of such a special time with some very special children.  Every one who comes to Honduras shares how well behaved the children are and how respectful they are.  We believe they are blessed more than our own children sometimes because of what they do not have.  They have more joy because of life's simplicity.  This is a true gift from God.  Less is better friends.  We could learn from the children of Honduras.

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Some Continue to Work

While Wilmer and Jim continued working we had some who took the soccer game to the road.  This week everyone had worked so hard it was awesome to see these guys building relationships beside with a shovel.  They enjoyed a quick game of soccer in the middle of the road.  Soccer is an international sport which can be played anywhere and at any time.  Ray, team leader and soccer coach was out there showing the younger team members and Honduran friends how it is truly done.  What a great time this week with our Honduran brothers outside of the shovels.

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Special Home Dedication

As this week came to an end Ray, Mike and I shared how we need to make this dedication a special one especially for Wilmer which we all agreed should include Pastor Carlos.  Pastor Carlos has been a strong instrument in the life of Wilmer.  He has discipled Wilmer over the last three years.  So we planned out the dedication according to what we all thought God would want for this family. Ray thanked the family for allowing his team in being apart of them receiving their home.  He thanked them for their generous hospitality throughout the week.  At this time we asked Moses could he sing "Because He Lives".  As I stood watching everyone, Grandpa Cruz knew the words to this song and was singing with Moses.  This was encouraging to the team.  Grandpa Cruz had heard this song somewhere before.  Praise God.  At this time we turned it over to Pastor Carlos as he was to bring the message and present the family with their bible.

We decided to not let Meida translate this for the North Americans so Pastor Carlos can do what he does best bring the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a humbling way.  What a gift this man has in sharing the gospel.  He shared with them how this is such a beautiful book he was holding.  This book is not a book which is put up on a shelf and gather dust but this book, God's Holy Word should be our book of instructions for our daily lives.  If it is only a beautiful book sitting on a shelf it will be not good to any of you.  He also shared how this home is beautiful as well.  But this home is not their permanent home and do they know where they will be spending their eternity after this life.  He then shared about the narrow gate and the wide road.  Which one of these are you traveling down.  What is your heart condition today?  Pastor Carlos was quiet blunt with Wilmer's family in a gingerly fashion.  Only he could present it the way he did.  He challenged them we are not promised tomorrow where will you spend eternity.  Later that evening we were discussing this and how profound of a message.  Someone shared now they know about true salvation comes only from Jesus Christ and they are accountable for their final decision in life.  How will you spend eternity? 
At this time we turned it over to Wilmer.  Ray thought it best if Wilmer presented his grandfather with the key.  Before Wilmer turned the keys over to his grandfather he wanted to say thank you to everyone for their help in making this possible.  He also shared a very special thought which sounds so much like our Wilmer, continue building homes for others in need and we are so grateful for allowing this to happen for my family today. At that time Wilmer presented his grandfather with the key.  We gathered around the house laying hands on the home as Mike closed out the dedication in prayer in the name of Jesus. All standing around realized then the government did not build this home but God did.  Wilmer shared how there was a rumor going through the community that their government was building his family a home. Well praise God they saw who built this home this week.  Thank you God for such an amazing week in Palenque.

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.
Isaiah 1:18

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
John 3:18

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Pastor Carlos shared these scriptures throughout his sermon during the dedication of the home.  What a blessing to hear this and know if you are a child of God you are secured and free from the sins of this world.  Let go whatever is binding you and give your life totally to Jesus Christ today if you are reading this and do not know this Jesus who is your greatest gift of all.

Baseball with Diego

The team gathered around the baseball diamond around five o'clock ready for some serious Honduran baseball.  Well during the week our intern Tyler had seen our friend Diego and his grandfather on the road coming home.  Tyler let them know about the baseball game Saturday afternoon.  Of course this was one happy little boy who loves to play baseball at Mt. Horeb.  So everyone gathered as the teams were picked.  Well the rest was a lot of fun with many balls going outside the property into the road, Wilmer and Mike.  Everyone had a great time but as the afternoon progressed there was also a storm brewing all around us.  We kept playing hoping it would not come until we were finished playing our games.  The team made an executive decision to stop the game because of them coming in so late in the evenings they had not had a chance to go to the rock and watch a sunset.  So the game ended way too soon for Diego.  He was not happy and did not want to climb any rock.  He wanted to play baseball.  I felt so bad for him.  But that is life sometimes.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

The Rock

The team did make it to the rock before the storm arrived.  They all climbed up there to observe the view surrounding Mt. Horeb.  Lassie and Oso along with Wilmer went up there with them.  Lassie got real excited to go outside the fence to play.  The team got excited to finally get to go the rock before completing their mission trip.  The rain slowly started while some of them were still on the rock.  they eventually all got back down to the pulpier and gift shop for their soda and last minute shopping.  We climbed the hill for supper as Kenny rang the supper bell.  After supper we decided to do our devotions on the dorm porch just in case we had another storm.  There had been rain several nights this week so we assumed God was going to bless us with another which HE did.  The team stood on the porch and watched the lighting show God created for us all and we tried to have a devotional but God's thunder and lightening overruled us.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
Psalm 139:7
Ray shared how God knows our thoughts so why do we just not let HIM go first.  Listen to HIM and just be still and listen to HIM.  We cannot run from God.  He is always there.

Worship Service

Since our little piece of Heaven did not have a church we visited with our Pastor Pedro who worked with us on the very first day of the project.  Tyler, intern was asked to read the scripture found in Psalm 117.  Our dear sweet Carmen opened the service in prayer.  Moses' brother Oscar sang "At the Cross.  Pastor Pedro got up to welcome everyone but he first asked us where we content today.  Are you content today in your walk with the Lord.  What a profound question.  Are we content?  Ponder on this as you read, are you truly content with life.  He thanked God for the most needed rain last evening.  No matter how bad we are God is always so good to us.  At this time Marlan, Elmer's mother sang "If You Are A Disciple of God".  Alyena sang several speicals as well with the congregation.  Oscar took up the offereing.

Ray has been bringing teams for three years.  But this year Ray shared with Mike and I he came prepared to bring the message and what a powerful message he delivered.  He shared the book he was preaching from today could be our book to live our lives from on a daily basis, Romans 12.  Well he took each verse and shared from his heart how this is what we as Christians are suppose to be doing.  We should not be adjusting our lives as Christians to be like our friends but to be like Jesus. We do not need to think we are better than others. It is not us to bring goodness to God but God brings goodness to us.  This is what God does for us.  We just simply need to trust HIM with our lives.  We are all apart of God's purpose if we are HIS children. We all have different gifts given to us by God.  We need to use our gifts for HIS kingdom work. We need to do it with grace and freely give.  Love must be sincere, very simple love from the inside out. We need to serve our Lord with zeal.  We need to show hospitality.  It is not easy being a Christian and times will get hard.  But this is when we pray harder.  We need to be humble as you are persecuted for being a Christian.  Bless others and don't curse them.  We need to live in harmony no matter the situation.  We need to love our enemies with our whole heart, this is impossible without Christ.  It is not our job to get even.  God will judge everyone accordingly.  We need to forgive from our heart and move on.  This is also impossible without Jesus. Also in Leviticus 19:18 it says "Love your neighbors as yourselves."
If we can live our lives by this scripture how pleased God will be with us and how blessed we will be in the true joy that is only found in Christ Jesus.
At this time Ray closed us in prayer.
Thank you Ray for three years ago bringing your first team, thank you for always making each week a special one with your sweet and sincere spirit and last but not least thank you for stepping up and getting out of your comfort zone.  Ray what an amazing message God sent to his people through your obedience in listening to HIM.  Ray spent many hours in preparation for this time in sharing.  He took this to heart and from his heart God shared what HE wanted us all to hear.  You definitely spoke to me that day God through my friend Ray.

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Happy Birthday Tabitha

What a way to start your mission trip but to celebrate your birthday in Honduras.  It is your birthday and you get up at 3:00 am to fly to Miami then to Tegus, Honduras.  Tabitha gets into the bus to ride another four hours or so to Mt. Horeb, Pavana, Choluteca.  It was much to her surprise after an amazing supper of beans rice, plantains and tortillas she got chocolate cupcakes to celebrate.  The Honduran staff sang to her in Spanish the long version of Happy Birthday.  Mr. Mike blessed her with the traditional egg over the head.  This is a Honduran birthday tradition.  Everyone thanked Tabitha for having a birthday and all enjoyed their chocolate cupcakes as well.  Happy Birthday Tabitha!!!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

Leaders Who Set By Example

Pastor Brian and John Scott set by example the entire week.  They both got up early each day for their quiet time in the presence of their Lord.  They set the example for the rest of the team.  They each encouraged these young people on a daily basis to make time each morning with their Lord.  Each day a young person would do a morning devotional and an evening devotional.  Pastor Brian orchestrated this before leaving North Carolina.  They young people were suppose to come prepared with a devotional and their testimony to be ready to share at a moments notice.  One more thing Pastor Brian does with his youth group and it makes a huge impact on the kind of week they had.  There is not any social media available for them during their eight day stay in Honduras.  What is so amazing about this is they do not miss it and they learn how to enjoy fellowship with others by talking and laughing.  There was a lot of that this week.  Social media was left in North Carolina.  There is a lot of folks who could benefit from doing this as well.  You disconnect with home and totally connect with the Lord while on your mission trip in Honduras.  It makes a huge difference as Mike and I have observed in past teams who do this as well.  Impressive and what a great example young people can be for all of us if we only observe and listen.

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness
Titus 2:7

Cornhole Anyone

By disconnecting to social media they had time for some serious corn hole.  There was numerous tournaments all week.  Each evening they gathered early  before dinner and got a game going.  After dinner before devotionals they would complete their game.  There was a game with fathers and sons playing against each other.  Pastor Brian and Justin played a serious game against John Scott and Christian.  I believe if I am correct Pastor Brian and Justin humbly won the tournament.  There was other tournaments as well.  Everyone enjoyed playing and cheering each other on to victory.  John Scott shared the reason why Pastor Brian and Justin were so good they threw the corn hole bags like a girl at her first prom getting her first kiss.  Well that took it all to a different level as everyone started trying to play like this as well.  Actually the form worked very well if you could do it, right John Scott?  We had too much fun playing corn hole each evening.

Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD and delight in his salvation.
Psalm 35:9

Families Serving Together

John Scott has been coming to Honduras for seven years and he loves it even more each time he comes.  He puts his whole heart and soul into his efforts here in Honduras.  For years he has shared how he could not wait for his son Christian to come with him to Honduras.  So as this year's team started to form John Scott asked him was he going.  Well as you can see above Christian came to Honduras with his Dad.  John Scott's God moment this week was having his son, Christian working beside him serving their Lord.  John Scott sat by example because Christian was willing to do whatever he needed to do to help his team.  He was a very quick learner according to his teacher, Mr. Mike.  Mr. Mike shared how quickly he and his friend Mason caught on to laying the block.  But he even took it to another level.  If he saw a need he simply did it.  He asked how and got it done if he did not know what to do.  His beautiful smile radiated each and every morning as I made my way up to the multipurpose building.  He was always wearing a smile and ready to serve His Lord.  He got out of his comfort zone several times while in Honduras.  He did a devotional and led us in prayer several times.  He got up on the roof of the house and put it on with Pastor Carlos and Mr. Mike.  John Scott was one proud Dad this week and you and your lovely bride Rhonda have done a great job raising an amazing young man who is growing in the Lord daily.

Our two multiple returners to Honduras, Pastor Brian and his son Justin.  Justin was already here for about twenty eight days before his father and team arrived.  Justin has the same passion for Honduras as his Dad does.  He loves the food and the culture here as well.  But unlike his father he takes the Honduran culture to another level.  His thrity five days in Honduras he slept in a hammock and ate minimal meals daily.  He truly wanted to embrace the culture to another level.  He was so grateful when his church family arrived that day in the airport.  He was ready to see his family.  Pastor Brian has set a great example for Justin as Justin develops into who God wants him to be.  Justin wants to be a politician and he would be a very good one.  He will fight for what he believes in right to the end.  So Justin we pray God leads you where He wants you to go in this life.  Mr. Mike and I pray your experience in Honduras will assist you in the direction God will lead you.  We pray for you as you continue your journey in life.  You and your Dad are more like family than pastor and intern.

These two young ladies Anna Kate and Taylor are so special in so many different ways.  They came for their first time last year and we fell in love with them.  They come ready to serve with their whole being.  They are grounded in God's Word and live it out daily.  We thought Anna Kate was the older but found out differently.  They both are mature beyond their years.  They take the interest of others before themselves.  They are sisters and we, Mike and I never saw sibling rivalry the entire time they were here.  They work well together.  Taylor did the sermon at the home dedication where she brought the plan of salvation for those who did not know Jesus Christ.  Both are quiet but with sweet and gentle spirits.  We are so grateful you two beautiful ladies came back to Honduras to serve with us once again. 

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Pastor Brian Discilping Another Amazing Intern

Each year Pastor Brian brings on staff at New Hope one of the college students as a summer intern.  This year we are blessed to introduce Sophia.  She came on board ready to serve wherever needed.  Sophia got up each morning at 6 am to prepare a hot breakfast with her teammates along side new team member Mason. She did pancakes every single morning along with scrambled eggs.  She saw a need on the project and got it done.  She was always looking for ways to help others. When Sophia speaks it is with much thought and process. She carries her conversations with poise and grace, almost like a poet.  This is a gift Sophia I hope you will allow God to use in your journey with HIM.   She has a passion for learning more about her Lord and is hungry to learn more.  We are blessed this summer to have Sophia come with our home church youth group as their intern and friend.  Well done Sophia, continuing to listen to what the Lord has in store for you.

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