This is the first time an evangelism team left the community to go somewhere outside of the community. Pastor David wanted as many people to be reached as possible. Pastor Mike, Hannah, Tim and Karen headed out on the bus with a church member and accompanied by Moses to the ends of the earth.
The team brought all their work tools to this project ready to start serving their Lord. They had spiritual tracks for people who could not read, for people who could read and spiritual tracks even for children. There was one item they brought it opened up like a caterpillar and explained the salvation colors in detail. Each group gathered to get to know each other before heading out on their journey. They shared pray concerns among themselves and they circled up to pray up their morning.
Thomas team prayed up without him this first beautiful morning in Honduras. Thomas got a little emotional being back home in Honduras again and excused himself for a minute. But while outside composing himself he met a new friend Juan Carlos who was there to go out with one of the teams as well. Each team used their tools daily to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Mormans, Catholics, believers who did not go to church anymore and really had no reason why they didn't and non believers. This group had their work cut out for them this week. But they were equipped and ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

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