Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thank You Benjy for Perserving

On the first evening of God moments I was sitting next to our new team member Benjy.  He was the first one who opened up and shared about his first day.  Oh wow, was I taken back at first what he shared.  My heart ached for him as he shared how tired and hot he got.  He shared I am done and cannot do this anymore.  He shared he was ready to go home until he turned around and saw the back of Manuel's shirt which he wears on a regular basis.  It said "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40.  Benjy at that point had me crying, I am not sure what the rest of the folks were doing.  He shared at that point and time he knew why God had him in Honduras to serve Him however hard the work is and whatever God wants me, (Benjy) to do I will do with all my heart.  Benjy also shared he learned so much from his brothers who live on Mt. Horeb and those who come to work there daily.  He learned how patient they were with each of us and taught us correctly how to do something if it was done incorrectly.  Pastor Carlos, Alexis and everyone else taught me how to not worry about the small stuff in life.  If it is not eternal then do not worry about it.  He shared how he was going to take back their work ethics and tried intentionally to apply it to his life as he works along side of others.  Thank you God for Manuel's t-shirt that first day of work.  Manuel did not wear it again until the very last day.  As you can see above how Benjy's outlook several days in had changed with his beautiful smile glorifying God for providing him to work in the most unusual conditions than he ever had before.  He got out of his comfort zone and allowed God to use him mightily.  Thank you Benjy for such an awesome testimony of relying on God to get you through. 
The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
Matthew 25:40

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