Thursday, September 10, 2015

Friends for over Twenty Five Years

We are beyond blessed to have Dr. Brenda and Dr. Winston serving beside of us this week.  They attended medical school together and have remained friends for twenty five years.  Dr. Brenda lives in Tegus as well as Dr. Winston. Dr. Brenda is not married and lives with family in the capital city, Tegus. Dr. Brenda loves serving her people and has a contagious laughter.  She enjoys life.  Dr. Winston's mother in law lives in Choluteca where he was able to visit her and spend the evening with her while serving with us.  He has a wife and two children.  He has a joyful spirit about him and a huge compassionate heart for the hurting. 

Dr. Brenda greeted all her patients with a genuine concern for their well being.  Debby, nurse on team, shared how impressed she was with Dr. Brenda's detail for each and every patient.  They were not a number but they were individuals with needs.  Dr. Brenda treated each patient according to their needs.  She shared with one of our young men who worked on the property he had high blood pressure and he needed to loose weight and walk taller instead of humped over.  She was honest and up front with her patients.  She would prescribe medicines for them from the pharmacy but also gave them home remedies after their medicines ran out.  Most of these sweet folks cannot afford medicines so they had to rely on what is around their homes.

Dr. Winston as I shared above was joyful and compassionate gentleman who took each individual patient and listened to all their needs.  At one time he had a family of six and he cared for each and every one of their needs.  He was so gentle with the children who came is way.  He earned their trust before meeting their physical needs.  Debby shared as well how humbled she was with Dr. Winston's preciseness toward all patients.  Dr. Winston checked mine and Mike's blood pressure as well.  The first time he checked  Mike's blood pressure it  was high. Dr. Winston checked  Mike's daily until it went back down.  After seeing numerous patients he came back to the mission house and asked Mike to please let him check his blood pressure.  Dr. Winston loves his job as a medical doctor here in Honduras.  We are blessed to have him and Dr. Brenda as our Honduran doctors. 
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:8

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