Friday, September 18, 2015

VBS in a Suitcase


Darren was in charge of VBS this week and what an amazing job he did.  The simplicity of his VBS was exactly what these children needed.  The children in Las Uvas have not been exposed to a lot of North Americans and Darren's technique was a God send.  Everything he needed came inside a suitcase.  Each day he averaged around 75 to 100 children.  His theme each day was about an animal which God had created.  Each day there was an animal, an activity, a memory verse and a bible story.  Each day they came into the church to recite their memory verse and play an activity relating to their memory verse.  Of course they started each day singing songs while waiting for everyone to arrive.
On Tuesday the animal was the elephant  because of its big ears.  The bible verse for the day was Proverbs 19:20, Hear council and receive instruction that thou mayest be wise." 
Wednesday the animal was the giraffe because it has a twenty five pound heart. The memory verse for this day was Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." We had a physical  check up with our own blood pressure and heart rate.  We then had a spiritual check up on our own heart.  A healthy heart equals love and trust.  The story of Adam and Eve.  Eve was deceived by Satan and did not trust..  Adam had knowledge but did not have the correct love.
Thursday the animal was the hippopotamus because of his big mouth.  The memory verse for this day was Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." When then took a spiritual check up with our heart with our mouth.  Matthew 15:18 says "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."
Friday's animal was the monkey because he works with his hands.  The memory verse for this day was Proverbs 16:3 "Commit they works unto the Lord."  The story was from Romans 6:6-11.  We looked at the ant and how they prepare their food for the winter.  We too should eat and prepare our food, (God's Word) for winter or in the hard times.
Saturday the animal was the cheetah.  The memory verse was Proverbs 12:20 " He that walks with wise men shall be wise."  The cheetah is very fast and we should be quick to flee evil.  The story is the end of Solomon's life where he allowed worldly influences (his many wives) to corrupt him.
But at the end of VBS on Saturday Bobby shared with the children about eternal life by using a paper airplane.  The children sat back and watched Bobby make his paper airplane.  He asked the boys and girls would this airplane get them into heaven.  They all shared NO!!!!  Then he cut the wings off the plane and opened up the airplane and it displayed a cross.  Bobby asked the children could the cross get them into heaven.  They shared YES!!!!   Jesus is our only way to heaven.  He paid the price on the cross, he shed his blood for us, sinners who do not deserve such a gift of sacrifice.  God sacrificed HIS only SON for me and you. When you lay out the wings which was cut off of the paper airplane it spells HELL.  You definitely do not want to go to HELL.  At that time they shared the plan of salvation by demonstrating the colors on a salvation bracelet each child received.  At the end of VBS 23 children accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.
"For God so loved the world that He gave HIS only begotten SON that whosever believes in HIM will not perish but have ever lasting life."
John 3:16

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