Mike shared with Pastor Pedro what an awesome job his church family had done getting ready for this week. They had everything ready for the team which made the week run smoothly. We combined two communities this week but the team stayed in one location. The people were brought by truck or walked from the other community to receive their health care and were so grateful for the help they received. As the week progressed the team members did what was needed for each and every patient. Ryan, Ellie and Dan greeted everyone daily with a huge smile as they were being checked in. Derek worked diligently counting pills in the morning along with Matt and Pauline. Bob got promoted to triage one day. Debby gave a treatment to a lady who needed to be on dialysis. Steve cleaned at least eight to ten ears a day. Josiah mixed medicines daily for the pharmacy. Matt shared how amazing Steve, with the help of translator Ronny, was with the children to get them calm before starting the process of cleaning out their ears. This community came out to help make this week a huge successl for all involved. During this week they were able to assist around 400 patients during their five days in El Gerro Blanco. At the end of the day it is all about how God used each and everyone of these precious folks.
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