Friday, September 25, 2015

God's Day of Worship and Rest

The team traveled out to Pavana to worship in the Baptist Church.  They prayed for the family to come worship with them this day. David and his best friend, Miguel came to church.  Because of the materials on the project, Marie stayed behind to watch over everything.  We started singing hymns unto the Lord.  One familiar hymn sung was "How Great Thou Art".  Pastor Larry got up to the pulpit and preached an amazing sermon out of John 15:1-8, " The Vine, The True Vine".  He shared the most important part of the vine is the root system.  This is where the nutrients for the vine come from.  He then proceeded to share how we as Christians should be connected to the vine, The True Vine, which is Jesus Christ.  He asked the question are we truly connected to the VINE.  And if you do not think you are connected to THE TRUE VINE how can you be connected.  JESUS CHRIST is our only source to be able to connect to THE TRUE VINE.  JESUS CHRIST IS  THE TRUE VINE.
Pastor Larry shared out of John 14 he was having the Last Supper with his disciples.  They left there to go up to the Mount of Olives.  As they were traveling along the road there was a vineyard. Jesus used all visuals to help with a teaching moment.  He shared with his disciples, "I am the way the truth and the Life no one comes to the Father except through me."  Jesus was preparing them for His departure.  The disciples needed to know the Holy Spirit would carry them through their journey after Jesus left them to sit next to His Father in heaven. Not everyone will have this source of life, the Holy Spirit, unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  We are all sinners saved by God's grace.  Once we receive Jesus Christ we have this life source and we are connected to the TRUE VINE.  But once we receive this life source then we need to do something with it.  We need to bare fruit.  We are not talking about our bananas, mangoes, pineapples and papayas.  We are talking about  the eternal fruit from our Lord and Savior to further the kingdom here on earth.  Farmers have to clip the vines when they are not producing.  They call it pruning. Pruning is hard.  We have to be pruned as well.  We have to be taught and trained how to grow in Christ by Him pruning our lives.  Only good fruit comes from God.  So go out into your community and bear fruit we can only produce through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Let's make sure we do not get into the way of God using us to help produce good fruit.  Only God can do this through our willingness to serve Him faithfully.  We are building this house only because of God's will in our lives.  God gets all the glory for this happening this week in your community. We have not done anything to receive praise for this.  When it rains God gets the glory.  When the crops come off God gets the glory.  If it does not rain God still gets the glory.  If we do not have crops God still gets the glory.  God is the same in all situations.  If not it would be for us and not for God.  Pastor Larry recognized the numerous children in worship on Sunday and how attentively they were listening to the worship service.  This children are the future of this church and their community.  Please continue to raise them up hearing the Word of God.  Thank you so much for having us here today to worship with you.
At this time the children came forward to sing in praise and worship unto the Lord.  They sang several songs which they knew from memory.  They sang to the tops of their sweet little lungs.  They sang songs full of praise and honor to the Lord.  This church is obliviously teaching these young ones about Jesus. The entire team was in awe of how they were able to praise the Lord with fullness from their hearts.
After worship the team was able to share a wooden cross with each church member which was made by a gentleman from their church, Hopewell.  This gentleman does this as a ministry for others.  He makes these crosses out of wood he collects from whoever is willing to share.  He makes hundreds of these wooden crosses a year to spread the gospel and bear fruit for the Lord.

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