Friday, September 18, 2015

Las Uvas Evangelism Team

Each day in the Land Rover and KIA the team traveled at least an hour to get this beautiful village up in the mountains of Honduras.  As you can see in the picture above there is a  peak at the top of this mountain which you can see from Choluteca.   The team arrived and we headed down south to Choluteca as we were entering the city of Choluteca Mike shared with the group with us to look out their window at that tiny peak and then he said this is where you will be serving the Lord this week.  Bobby, Harry, Darren and Lee all looked like oh my goodness.  This seemed a long ways away.  They were exactly right.  Each day the team broke up in three groups with "young" people, Pastor Carlos and a few older ladies from the church to go out with each group.  There was a lot of  "young" people who played a huge part in the leadership of this little mountain church.  This church was build over 50 years ago by an IMB missionary and it has remained a Baptist church all these years.  Each day they went in different directions sharing the gospel with the lost, born again Christian and Mormons.  There was quiet a few Mormons living up in those hills.
Each night we shared in God moments as the team reflected back on their day. 
Pastor Wayne shared how he simply enjoyed the beauty of the country of Honduras as he rode in the KIA daily  The mountains are absolutely breath taking as they were surrounded by the mountains all week.  Pastor Wayne shared how the Hondurans opened up their homes to you, wiped off their plastic chairs and made you feel right at home.  His team had visited with a lady named Judy who later came to Jose's bible conference.  Pastor Wayne shared how it was worth it all to see her come to church.
Bobby shared during his devotional one evening about the amazing things in this world .  But he shared I wonder what amazes Jesus.  In Luke 7: 9 Jesus was amazed at the great faith the people had.  Jesus was also amazed at their lack of faith in Mark 6:6.  Bobby encouraged his team to let their faith grow in Honduras this week.  The fourth day Bobby and Harry climbed to the top of the mountain with Maida to share the gospel.  There was actually families living up there.  Pastor Carlos was with them.  Bobby shared how Pastor Carlos wanted everyone to hear the good news of Jesus.  It did not matter where they lived.  The couple above accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.  If these folks had not traveled to the edge of the tip of that mountain that day two people would not have received Christ.  Bobby asked Maida to go back up there again to see someone else they had missed.  So off they go this sweet lady already knew the Lord as her Savior.  But she shared how she had prayed God would send someone to visit with her.  Thank you Maida for trudging back up the mountain with Bobby Harry and Pastor Carlos to visit a very sweet elderly lady who had lived there her whole life.  Bobby shared how Maida never blinked an eye once he asked her to climb back up that mountain, all she said was, "I am a Warrior for Christ."  Amen Maida.  You all were Warriors this week.  They covered a lot of trails some very narrow to reach out to a lost and dying world.
Lee was truly overwhelmed with the gratitude from each and every person she met.  She shared how they genuinely received her with hugs and embraced her as if they had known her their whole lives.  God has a reason for Lee coming to Honduras other than serving beside her cousin, me.  God introduced her to a lady named Deidra and her husband Oscar.  Deidra and Lee had many similarities in their lives.  Lee shared how she was estranged from a family member back home and she also has a neurological disease.  Deidra shared with tears in her eyes she has not got a relationship with her family members and both her and Oscar have an incurable disease.  Deidra and Oscar have a teen age son who they are concerned about his future.  Lee shared her testimony with Deidra and Oscar.  While there Deidra  and Oscar rededicated their  life to Christ. After they got through Darren and Pastor Carlos went on outside while Lee stayed behind to talk longer with Deidra and prayed with Deidra and the future of their family.  Deidra thanked God for Lee coming to her home that day.  Lee shared later she knew why she came to Honduras, so God could introduce her to Deidra.  Lee shared she will pray daily for this family God placed in her life in Honduras.  They both agreed they may never see each other again but they will be reunited in Heaven.  Deidra and Oscar were in church on Sunday morning.  Pastor Carlos shared he will disciple Oscar so he could help with the church's responsibilities. 
Darren was in awe of the young people and their knowledge of God's word.  They went out daily with Darren and Lee to share the gospel.  They knew their scripture from memory.  They would be reading scripture to a family and the young people were saying it along with the person reading.  The young people were eager to help do whatever it took to bring the lost to Christ.  Darren's devotion on sin being like leprosy was right on.  The priests job was to go out and check on the people with leprosy.  Just like with us we went out to check out and find the lost people full of sin in their lives.  We like the priest prayed with many people who rededicated their lives to Christ or received HIM as their Savior.  We as sinners can be cleansed by the blood of Christ if we would only say yes to the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.  Darren shared about the Woman at the Well as he and Lee were speaking with a lady who said she would not get to heaven because she was living with a man.  Pastor Carlos asked her was she putting this man before Jesus Christ.  She said yes.  Darren shared a very amazing quote concerning this lady, "Are you willing to be willingly to be changed?"  Something to think about.  How many of us put others or situations you are in before Christ.  Christ is pushed to the side and is not welcome into your home.  Like this woman who said yes she is putting a mere man, a human being, who will sooner or later disappoint her, before her heavenly Father, who sent his Son and shed HIS blood for you and me.  We do this everyday some way some how.  Please pray for Jesus Christ to be first in your life today. This is the most important decision you will make.
Richard shared how he was impressed with the people receiving a bunch of North Americans, complete strangers into their homes.  Back home people would not even come to the door  Richard shared how he observed Jose's boldness in sharing the gospel.  He was there to talk about Jesus if they were not interested he would dust the dirt off his shoes and continue on to the next home. Richard's devotional on the last day was most convicting.  How we should have it right with God  and with others before we shared the gospel with others.  We have to rely on God in all details of our lives and let God have complete control.  These were wise words from such a young man.  Thank you Richard for not stopping and preserving the day you sprang your ankle.  You would not let this stop you from sharing the gospel and God truly blessed you by a quick recovery.  Well done good and faithful servant.
Harry and his long time friend and brother-in-law, Bobby spent five days encouraging, inviting and sharing the gospel with Las Uvas.  What did Harry's heart good was going out everyday visiting people who may or may not have heard of Jesus.  Harry had a close encounter with some Mormons one day.  God blessed Harry that day.  Harry shared how he was blessed after going to so many different places during the week and to come to church on Sunday to see those people in worship.  His prayer is these folks will continue to reach out to the church as their family and to help grow the gospel in Las Uvas.  Harry's devotional was phenomenal.  The scripture was out of Matthew 4:8-11, "The Temptations on Jesus by Satan".  Our world is full of idolatry.  Jesus is our greatest gift and so many times we put HIM up on a shelf.  We put our television shows, our Internet games, sports, our families, our children and yes even our grandchildren before Jesus.  We do not have time to spend intimate time with Jesus.  There is too much stuff getting in our way. Sometimes our busyness at church robs us of our time with Christ.  Harry with tears shared how he has a routine daily of coming home eating supper and watching the news.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this but this is time Harry shared he could spend with the Lord.  How much quality time does the Lord receive from each of us?  Thank you Harry for such a profound and convicting devotion we all needed to hear.
Jose and Marie went out separately to serve and reach the people.  They both along with Maida translated for the North Americans.  Jose was bold in his words about Jesus  and was able to lead many to Christ.  He led two teenagers to Christ along with Marie's assistance. This was after they were through for the day and had an opportunity and took full advantage of it.  Jose led bible conferences for the adults of the church daily as well while VBS was taking place.  Marie led her team and shared the gospel with many ladies who needed to be encouraged in the Word.  Thank you both for the willingness of coming and sharing with your people in Central America.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Matthew 28:19

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